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Entry closed on Tuesday night with 81 cars def. entered, however I did receive a call on the 27th from a Dolly Sprint owner who wished to do the event. Owing to complications he could only get his entry to me in the post Fri. night, hopefully I will receive the entry on Mon night.

The Road books are back from the printers, Nigel A has done his usual superb job. I think these books are a great part of the event, the devising of the route was not for the faint hearted as the detail that Nigel goes into is very good. Do remember that the route is advisory.

Spent a few hours with Nigel Abdullah, our RBRR route planner at 'The Plough' working out how the devil we will get 80ish cars into the RHS car park. We reckon we can do it, however could all entrants please let the marshal direct them into a space. We will have 3 or 4 marshals to sort this aspect out (Thanks to Nigel, Bob King, Barry Gibson and Dave Jenkins). Obviously we will run out of car parking spaces so we will need to use the circulation road of the car park. Do remember that the whole of the RHS car park is for RBRR use, wheras the rest of the car park is for use of RBRR marshals, spectators and the pubs. normal punters.

To make life as easy as poss.please arrive by 6.00 as the signing on marshals will be stretched owing to the number of crews. Sign on in the conservatory, please do not linger in their as it gets a bit cramped. Please take advantage of the pubs facilities (Easy on the drinking aspect though!) remember that the pubs does not cahrge us for the generous use of their establishment. Try to relax, therefore it is a good idea to get to the start a bit early and have some food and possible a little kip.
Do remember that we need to get away at 7.00 so please be in your cars by 6.45, however it will take a bit of time getting 80 cars out so please be patient.


We welcome spectators to come along (Please park in the LHS car parks) as the atmosphere at the start is superb- lots of excitement and apprehension. I think to see 80 Triumphs together will be something to savour.

Excuse me for sounding impartial, but I think that with the RBRR (and hopefully the 10CR in years to come),Club Triumph has the best event in the Triumph scene. It actively encourages members to use their cars, pulls in members from thoughout the world and of course raises money for Charities.

I will post more news about the RBRR as it happens.

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[quote by=timbancroft61 link=Blah.pl?b=rbrgen,v=display,m=1094309545,s=4 date=1094312279]Good man!

We need about 3 or 4 Club Triumph photographers.

Talking of photos... Did Mr Gingell sort out anything about the camera phones ??? 

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[quote by=GigGleR link=Blah.pl?b=rbrgen,v=display,m=1094309545,s=8 date=1094917426]Hmmm, well, lets see....... We plan to leave in convoy between 1pm and 2 pm from Chesterfield and its about 2.5 hours to Enfield I think. so we're gonna be there about 4:30. Is that going to be okay? too early? should we perhaps leave a little later? :P[/quote]

I just might join you in your convoy if that would be OK.

It will depend on other northern crews but if I do maybe we could meet up in Tibshelf services about 1.30? I was born only about 4 miles from there! ;)

You are right in your estimate on the timing - having said that in the past I have had lunch @ Leicester Forest East which is a good 40 minutes further south. I usually arrive about 4.30 to 5PM then.

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[quote by=Raider link=Blah.pl?b=rbrgen,v=display,m=1094309545,s=9 date=1094918005]

I just might join you in your convoy if that would be OK.


I'm going to presume that you meant to type 1:30 there and not 21:30 :D we can meet you at tibshelf thats not a prob. that means there will be 3 cars in our little convoy then! WooHoo! :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hmm Beadle was really the Daddy, more like the Uncle who you always thought wasn't really related and who used to turn up at odd times and once just disappeared and now none of the family ever talk about him by name, ever he iss now only referred to as "you know who" and then everyone rolls their eyes but no one actually says his name.

I'll get me coat.

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