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I've got a few entries where crewmen (or women for that matter) are needed. Some people want a third crewman, some just want a trustworthy second driver. I think there may also be a few lost souls looking for a seat.

So, you can use this thread to match seats and bodies  :-/

All I ask is that you let me know as soon as you have a change or addition.

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Hi all.
I am 18, and new to the wonderful world of Classics.
I am practically minded but have no backround in cars.

Unfortunatly, all of my mates are yet to "see the light" and discover the joys of classic motoring, or have insurance for that matter!
So, what I'm getting at is, I need a co-driver for the RBRR!

The car is a 1972 Spitfire Mk. 4 (1.3l).
I bought her off ebay in July. She had a full body off restoration 1991 taking 3 years but was then garaged on SORN until this July when I bought her.
The car is good with a sweet engine, OK gearbox, brand new stainless sports exhaust (sounds incredible!), nice tidy bodywork, good brakes, wheel bearings and clutch, wire wheels and a reasonable stereo.
The only problems I've had so far have been fuel pumps (I'm on to my third!) and condenser (points and cap - soon to be electronic!).
Since getting her, I've done 2300miles. Wiltshire, Wales and Isle of Mann.

Anyway, If you would like a seat for the run, please drop me an email.
I don't care how old you are, whether you are green or purple or whether you like hip-hop or classical (classical myself). Just as long as we get allong!
I attend the North London meets (at the Plough) but won't be at the December meeting.
My email address: jonathankubiak@btinternet.com.

P.S. Be warned, I drive with the roof down unless it snows or rains, no matter how cold it is!

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Johnny: Good luck finding a co-driver.  This is the place to look.  I got a spot in 06 by posting here.   Be sure to check out where your local group meets.  Go to a few meets and get to know the members.  Nice car and it's RED!  Since this will be your first RBRR, you will be wide awake for the the first 24 to 36 hours.  Just the thrill of the run.  No shame to pull over and take a nap.  Safety, Safety, Safety first and above all.  It is not a race!  Don't be tempted.  You represent the club so please drive gentley through the towns and village's.  

As for a co-driver:  We all have habbitts that can annoy outhers.  You will need to overlook the small things.  Money can be the root of many problems.  I suggest you do as my team does.  Each puts money into a fuel kitty at start.  This way their is no problem as to who paid more or who's turn it is to pay.  If your co-driver is also a novice try to have him/her go to the drivers meeting.  Go over the road book together.   Don't hesitate to ask questions.  This is a great club and everyone will help you.  

Remember:  Don't Pet the Swet'ty things and don't Swet the Pett'y things.

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michael wrote:

how do you travel with roof down with hard top on ?regards michael and good luck

This was the photo from the ebay listing (note painted tyres, etc.). It is therefore the shiniest photo I posess as it was in full car for sale spit and polish condition. I spend more time driving than photographing her!

The hardtop is in the garage and will remain there until the last weekend of November (this Sunday -  :o).

Anyway, here she is without the hardtop.

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Hi Jonny

It was good to meet you and see the car at the plough it is very like my old spitty, ( Darren old man with Brown Dolly with Dave) My son was most excited when he learned of your success getting insurance for a Spitty at your tender age. I will bring him with me in January so that you can have another club member to talk to that isnt a comparative geriatric (Sorry boys but look around apart from Derek and Dave Shrewry we are not getting any younger ). Good luck finding a Co driver for the RBRR. My bones are too old for overnight motoring in an open top. Dont forget what I said about reupholstering the seats believe me they can be quite comfortable! I do have a comfy and currently empty back seat in the Dolly if you strike out! ;D ;D ;D


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It was great to meet you and it was nice to talk to a real car person for once - sadly not many left in this boring world!

It'd be great to meet your son. What is he looking at getting? For insurance, mine was £950, tpft, 6000 miles, agreed value with full breakdown. That was for parking on the street in the worst available insurance postcode!
Once I got a garage, I called them but they won't rebate it (by about £120) until I renew - grrrrr! This was with footman james.
RBRR, maybe you're right re roof at night. I just found it kept me awake on the M62 on the way to Isle Of Man.
I should be able to find someone who "can't fit the jet engine between the chassis rails" in a few months time!
Seats foams are £35 a piece - so £140 overall. Slightly too expensive for the mo (I'm still paying for the car!!!) but deff before next Summer.
You know you mentioned Stelvio next year. I was randomly thinking about a Eurotrip next year (in response to a friend nagging me for one!) and put the following into google maps:

<iframe width="425" height="350" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src="http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=d&amp;source=s_d&amp;saddr=Kings+Cross+Station,+London&amp;daddr=Dover+to:Calais+to:N%C3%BCrburgring,+53520+N%C3%BCrburg,+Ahrweiler,+Rhineland-Palatinate,+Germany+to:Davos,+Switzerland+to:Stelvio+Pass,+Valfurva,+Italy+to:Bormio+SO,+Italy+to:San+Bernardino+pass+to:Route+13+to:Unknown+road+to:Unknown+road+to:col+de+turini+to:Avenue+des+Sp%C3%A9lugues+to:Quai+des+Etats-Unis+to:Unknown+road+to:Boulevard+Albert+1er+to:Boulevard+Albert+1er+to:Avenue+d'Ostende+to:Avenue+de+Monte-Carlo+to:andora+to:Jaca+to:Paris,+France+to:Calais,+France+to:Dover,+Kent,+UK+to:Kings+Cross+Station&amp;hl=en&amp;geocode=FZ1KEgMdLhz-_ynL82D5Oxt2SDHgmoCnCu7pQw%3BFWktDAMdoQEUACn_MjNV0aTeRzFRSNdah1x4Mg%3BFWKOCQMdYkQcAClj4_HXdT_cRzH0edKM4Nm-rA%3BFaQRAAMdlgpqACmJe6K-Mq2_RzFgabYf1tQiHQ%3BFZ4tygIdNxmWACnbey7fEKGERzEALRlAiP8ABA%3BFXT1xQIdynefACkLXVWS5RqDRzHyoCGZL495zw%3BFRYKxQIdTlueACn3AV40WwWDRzFQ7GYuAngGBA%3BFWp4xQIdw-6LACmN5jR34viERzFQ0TA3if8AHQ%3BFaR6wQIdq5yKAA%3BFeLRoQIdHXZzAA%3BFRJloQIdd3pzAA%3BFYwKnwIdnMlwAClz0BtP_LzNEjGgOO8VpxkIHQ%3BFT5rmwIdz1VxAA%3BFSBgmwIdnk1xAA%3BFeJNmwId9ERxAA%3BFSNQmwIdi0BxAA%3BFYFTmwIdgj5xAA%3BFTtgmwIdt0NxAA%3BFcxlmwIdBldxAA%3BFUU0iQIdEnAYACmV8J6YLvWlEjGSf-p41z7JBw%3BFS2ZiQIds5r3_ynb0tWHv4BXDTFBeNHAmLL0Eg%3BFVt-6QIdi98jACkPt-IGH27mRzFglIxow4ILBA%3BFWKOCQMdYkQcAClj4_HXdT_cRzH0edKM4Nm-rA%3BFWktDAMdoQEUACn_MjNV0aTeRzFRSNdah1x4Mg%3BFZ1KEgMdLhz-_ynL82D5Oxt2SDHgmoCnCu7pQw&amp;mra=dpe&amp;via=8,9,10,13,14,15,16,17,18&amp;dirflg=h&amp;sll=43.723878,7.408841&amp;sspn=0.007226,0.013797&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;t=h&amp;ll=47.249407,3.120117&amp;spn=10.443027,18.676758&amp;z=5&amp;output=embed"></iframe><br /><small><a href="http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=d&amp;source=embed&amp;saddr=Kings+Cross+Station,+London&amp;daddr=Dover+to:Calais+to:N%C3%BCrburgring,+53520+N%C3%BCrburg,+Ahrweiler,+Rhineland-Palatinate,+Germany+to:Davos,+Switzerland+to:Stelvio+Pass,+Valfurva,+Italy+to:Bormio+SO,+Italy+to:San+Bernardino+pass+to:Route+13+to:Unknown+road+to:Unknown+road+to:col+de+turini+to:Avenue+des+Sp%C3%A9lugues+to:Quai+des+Etats-Unis+to:Unknown+road+to:Boulevard+Albert+1er+to:Boulevard+Albert+1er+to:Avenue+d'Ostende+to:Avenue+de+Monte-Carlo+to:andora+to:Jaca+to:Paris,+France+to:Calais,+France+to:Dover,+Kent,+UK+to:Kings+Cross+Station&amp;hl=en&amp;geocode=FZ1KEgMdLhz-_ynL82D5Oxt2SDHgmoCnCu7pQw%3BFWktDAMdoQEUACn_MjNV0aTeRzFRSNdah1x4Mg%3BFWKOCQMdYkQcAClj4_HXdT_cRzH0edKM4Nm-rA%3BFaQRAAMdlgpqACmJe6K-Mq2_RzFgabYf1tQiHQ%3BFZ4tygIdNxmWACnbey7fEKGERzEALRlAiP8ABA%3BFXT1xQIdynefACkLXVWS5RqDRzHyoCGZL495zw%3BFRYKxQIdTlueACn3AV40WwWDRzFQ7GYuAngGBA%3BFWp4xQIdw-6LACmN5jR34viERzFQ0TA3if8AHQ%3BFaR6wQIdq5yKAA%3BFeLRoQIdHXZzAA%3BFRJloQIdd3pzAA%3BFYwKnwIdnMlwAClz0BtP_LzNEjGgOO8VpxkIHQ%3BFT5rmwIdz1VxAA%3BFSBgmwIdnk1xAA%3BFeJNmwId9ERxAA%3BFSNQmwIdi0BxAA%3BFYFTmwIdgj5xAA%3BFTtgmwIdt0NxAA%3BFcxlmwIdBldxAA%3BFUU0iQIdEnAYACmV8J6YLvWlEjGSf-p41z7JBw%3BFS2ZiQIds5r3_ynb0tWHv4BXDTFBeNHAmLL0Eg%3BFVt-6QIdi98jACkPt-IGH27mRzFglIxow4ILBA%3BFWKOCQMdYkQcAClj4_HXdT_cRzH0edKM4Nm-rA%3BFWktDAMdoQEUACn_MjNV0aTeRzFRSNdah1x4Mg%3BFZ1KEgMdLhz-_ynL82D5Oxt2SDHgmoCnCu7pQw&amp;mra=dpe&amp;via=8,9,10,13,14,15,16,17,18&amp;dirflg=h&amp;sll=43.723878,7.408841&amp;sspn=0.007226,0.013797&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;t=h&amp;ll=47.249407,3.120117&amp;spn=10.443027,18.676758&amp;z=5" style="color:#0000FF;text-align:left">View Larger Map</a></small>

If that hasn't worked, try this: http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=Kings+Cross+Station,+London&daddr=Dover+to:Calais+to:N%C3%BCrburgring,+53520+N%C3%BCrburg,+Ahrweiler,+Rhineland-Palatinate,+Germany+to:Davos,+Switzerland+to:Stelvio+Pass,+Valfurva,+Italy+to:Bormio+SO,+Italy+to:San+Bernardino+pass+to:Route+13+to:Unknown+road+to:Unknown+road+to:col+de+turini+to:Avenue+des+Sp%C3%A9lugues+to:Quai+des+Etats-Unis+to:Unknown+road+to:Boulevard+Albert+1er+to:Boulevard+Albert+1er+to:Avenue+d%27Ostende+to:Avenue+de+Monte-Carlo+to:andora+to:Jaca+to:Paris,+France+to:Calais,+France+to:Dover,+Kent,+UK+to:Kings+Cross+Station&hl=en&geocode=FZ1KEgMdLhz-_ynL82D5Oxt2SDHgmoCnCu7pQw%3BFWktDAMdoQEUACn_MjNV0aTeRzFRSNdah1x4Mg%3BFWKOCQMdYkQcAClj4_HXdT_cRzH0edKM4Nm-rA%3BFaQRAAMdlgpqACmJe6K-Mq2_RzFgabYf1tQiHQ%3BFZ4tygIdNxmWACnbey7fEKGERzEALRlAiP8ABA%3BFXT1xQIdynefACkLXVWS5RqDRzHyoCGZL495zw%3BFRYKxQIdTlueACn3AV40WwWDRzFQ7GYuAngGBA%3BFWp4xQIdw-6LACmN5jR34viERzFQ0TA3if8AHQ%3BFaR6wQIdq5yKAA%3BFeLRoQIdHXZzAA%3BFRJloQIdd3pzAA%3BFYwKnwIdnMlwAClz0BtP_LzNEjGgOO8VpxkIHQ%3BFT5rmwIdz1VxAA%3BFSBgmwIdnk1xAA%3BFeJNmwId9ERxAA%3BFSNQmwIdi0BxAA%3BFYFTmwIdgj5xAA%3BFTtgmwIdt0NxAA%3BFcxlmwIdBldxAA%3BFUU0iQIdEnAYACmV8J6YLvWlEjGSf-p41z7JBw%3BFS2ZiQIds5r3_ynb0tWHv4BXDTFBeNHAmLL0Eg%3BFVt-6QIdi98jACkPt-IGH27mRzFglIxow4ILBA%3BFWKOCQMdYkQcAClj4_HXdT_cRzH0edKM4Nm-rA%3BFWktDAMdoQEUACn_MjNV0aTeRzFRSNdah1x4Mg%3BFZ1KEgMdLhz-_ynL82D5Oxt2SDHgmoCnCu7pQw&mra=dpe&via=8,9,10,13,14,15,16,17,18&dirflg=h&sll=43.723878,7.408841&sspn=0.007226,0.013797&ie=UTF8&ll=47.546872,3.779297&spn=13.828895,28.256836&t=h&z=5

London, Nürburgring, Davos, Stelvio, Bormio, San Bernardino, Col de Turini, Monaco, Pyranees, Paris, London.
About 2700miles! (the google timing is wrong as I pressed avoid highways).
Am a being a bit too adventurous?!!!

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Really! lol. I just sought of went Alps, Pyranees, Paris, ooh, Nurburghring? Yeeha!

Its something I've wanted to do since I was about 12 but we probably move to Oz or NZ (with the Spitfire) in 2011 so 10CR mightn't be possible.

Would I be right in thinking that the fatal failures on long runs are diff, engine and gearbox? The rest are supposedly repairable depending on spares and expertise!

By the way Dave, is your Spitty running a standard engine?


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1045 wrote:

Would I be right in thinking that the fatal failures on long runs are diff, engine and gearbox? The rest are supposedly repairable depending on spares and expertise!

not really!  one of the most common failures I have seen is alternators!

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Check Tim Bancrofts post under Finisher Stats.  Most brakedowns are caused by those who fail to porperly prep, check and look after their car before a long run.  Some things you can't predict but any item neglected will fail at some point.  

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Rear wheel bearing failure is pretty difficult to repair on the road; fronts are okay as long as you have a spare set with you and you catch it in time before it munches the stub/hub. Carrying a spare rear halfshaft/hub assembly, with the brake backplate modified so that you can use it on either the driver's or passenger side, makes a relatively quick job of fixing rear bearing failure or UJ failure.

You are right - serious engine/Gbox/diff failures are not reasonably fixed by the side of the road and are usually terminal. A clutch change is though, as Michael Helm demonstrated on a country road in France on the 10CR this year. All you need for most other things are the right spares and tools. Alternators, waterpumps and fuel pumps are favorites for failure over long distances, but easily carried as spares and quickly changed.

In theory, if your car can travel 200 miles without bother, it should manage 3000 with no problem, assuming it's properly serviced and sensibly prepared for warmer temperatures in southern Europe. Go for it!

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Its something I've wanted to do since I was about 12 but we probably move to Oz or NZ (with the Spitfire) in 2011 so 10CR mightn't be possible.

By the way Dave, is your Spitty running a standard engine?


Check out Neilnaz's posts on taking his spit to Oz, not as straightforward as you might think!

my spit isn't really tuned, just set up properly. for the last RBRR i fitted an unleaded head, with bigger valves though.  it did make a slight difference, although i am still running twin inch and a quarter SU carbs. I have a Pheonix 4 branch manifold, which was a pain to fit, had to cut and weld it, and a wheelbarrow exhaust. The car flies, and is great to drive with the overdrive box, 3rail with J type. I wouldn't recommend the exhaust as it is a bit too noisy, so i'm looking at making a new one this year.  
you don't have to spend silly money to make your spit fast, just get it working properly, and uprate the suspension and tyres so you can drive it to it's full potential.

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Yeah, I couldn't afford phoenix so went for a 4-2-1 manifold then wheelbarrow from rimmers. All stainless. Sounds great, especially now I've fixed the manifold blow!
Mine has a standard leaded engine although I believe it has a skimmed head (haven't asked cos if I don't know, how can I tell insurers!)
Carbs are standard SU (tuned this evening with one of those little glass spark plug thingeys - thank you driving instructor!) with K&Ns and I set the timing just so (again thanks Andy!).
Shocks are SPAX and lowered by arround an inch. I currently have cheapo tyres bu,t at replacement, I'll pay the extra £15 for the Michelins.
Overdrive was working but, pending a gearbox oil topup, is not going. Solenoid appears to work as O/D works while box is cold, then clicks a lot, then stops opperating.

I look forward to seeing you at the RBRR or Plough before then. I feel a race between the lights on the A10 coming on!

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  • 3 weeks later...

darrenspitty wrote:
Dont forget what I said about reupholstering the seats believe me they can be quite comfortable! I do have a comfy and currently empty back seat in the Dolly if you strike out! ;D ;D ;D


Being done with Park Lane Classics' finest foam as we speak. At £70 a seat, it had better be worth it as this is the most expensive job yet (bar exhaust)!

Only problem is that someone has trimmed the front of the cusion cover down! I'm guessing the covers but not the (thin) foams were changed at some point and someone decided to make it nice and neat!
Besides the blood (shouldn't really use scissors for zip tie holes) and inginuity for the tensioning of the shortened fronts, all is going well.

Merry Christmas

p.s. Still driving arround with the roof down!

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  • 4 months later...

Team DollyRoo is now looking for a 3rd Co-Driver.  You will be with the GREAT Team of Ashley Mills and myself.  DollyRoo is a 72 Dolomite 1850 with a TR7 2L engine with overdrive.  Due to my insurance regs you need to be 25 or older.  Be willing to pay your entry fee and 1/3 of the fuel cost.  Most important of all we ask you do all you can to raise money for the Charity!  

PM me if you are interested, Ashley does not visit the forum.  

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  • 3 weeks later...

Goody wrote:
Team DollyRoo is now looking for a 3rd Co-Driver.  You will be with the GREAT Team of Ashley Mills and myself.  DollyRoo is a 72 Dolomite 1850 with a TR7 2L engine with overdrive.  Due to my insurance regs you need to be 25 or older.  Be willing to pay your entry fee and 1/3 of the fuel cost.  Most important of all we ask you do all you can to raise money for the Charity!  

PM me if you are interested, Ashley does not visit the forum.  


Cheers for the offer. Unfortunatly, I'd be 19 also would like to do it in mine.

Thanks anyway!

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Johnnyk5614:  While our 3rd is now confirmed, Peter Fern, If you want in sign up on the Reserve List.  Get a co-driver.   If their is a young person who needs a co-driver put your name out on this thread.  You never know as someone might be able to take you.  Their is also a chance that Tim needs more marshels and that will be a great way to be part of it.

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  • 3 weeks later...


check out neilnaz's posts on taking his spit to oz, not as straightforward as you might think!

my spit isn't really tuned, just set up properly. for the last rbrr i fitted an unleaded head, with bigger valves though.  it did make a slight difference, although i am still running twin inch and a quarter su carbs. i have a pheonix 4 branch manifold, which was a pain to fit, had to cut and weld it, and a wheelbarrow exhaust. the car flies, and is great to drive with the overdrive box, 3rail with j type. i wouldn't recommend the exhaust as it is a bit too noisy, so i'm looking at making a new one this year.  
you don't have to spend silly money to make your spit fast, just get it working properly, and uprate the suspension and tyres so you can drive it to it's full potential.[/quote]

Having just had a head gasket failure (due to a momentary period of stupid driving with a cold engine!) I have found that I have a skimmed head, larger valves and stiffer double valve springs.
I've got a rimmers stainless 4-2-1 manifold and wheelbarrow exhaust. Lastly, I have fixed the overdrive (naf wiring and dodgey relay) and re-foamed the seats. I am ready to roll!
Got a eurotrip to do first though!


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