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RBRR 2010 Report - Classic Car Weekly Needs You!

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Hi Guys,

I took part in this years RBRR, driving the Coca-Cola TR7, and had an absolutely brilliant time. I've written up a report on the event for work - CCW - but now I need some help from those of you who took part. I got to meet a few of you on the way round, which was great, but unfortunately I wasn't able to talk to everybody, Anyway, I've got most of my thoughts down in my piece, but I could really do with some decent quotes from other people who were there, to add a bit more colour and spice.

So my question is this - what was your highpoint/lowpoint? Did you ever feel like you wouldn't make it/couldn't make it? What mishaps struck you or your car on the way round? Basically anything interesting that will make good reading for a wider audience. Pictures would be cool too, but not essential.

If you think you can help, it would be much appreciated. I can be emailed at: matthew.george@classiccarweekly.co.uk. or you can get me on my mobile at 07921 853482. It's set to appear in next week's paper, so a quick response would be appreciated very much too.

I look forward to hearing from some of you  :)

Cheers,  Matt

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Have a good read of the threads that have been started since the event ended. There should be plenty of material for you to trawl through, I would have thought a quick mail to the originator or to any of the organising team should get permission to use it.

There were quite a few people still fixing the cars the morning of the event, or in our case fixing the overdrive wiring as we actually drove to the event.

Quite a few people have posted about their failure to finish as well.



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Many thanks to those of you who have got in touch. Space restraints unfortunately mean that i can't use anywhere near as many of your anecdotes as I'd like to, but rest assured, your efforts are appreciated. The report will be appearing in this weeks paper - October 20 - so grab a copy if you fancy checking out the results. I'm particularly happy with the images, as well as how the spread turned out design-wise too  :)

Thanks again, Matt

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Cheers Steve. I enjoyed the run immensely, and really wanted to do it justice when I came to write up about it. I think it turned out pretty well, although I could probably have written twice as much again! All round very pleased, and will definitely be doing it again in 2012  :)



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