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Club Triumph Track Days 2009


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Pesto ,your lack of intertest in TDs is understandable. i too would not want tea staines on my carpet and the toast to get all furry...but far from a lack of interest in track days ,there is actually a growing number becoming involved , the comps commitee ...mainly chris [as this is his department] are actively looking at ways to increase the access to TD for the club members...there may well be a time, in the not too distant future ,when the number of people wanting TDs with triumphs will be large enough for us to branch out on our own ,but now is not the time, and partenering  up with another larger club seems  to be working at the mo
However if there is any particular activity that does take your fancy that you would like us to investigate for you then please contact the comps comittee and let us know your desires , in fact that applies to anyone in the club [this offer was extended some time ago and there were few sugestions] but if there is any sort of event that the club does not cater for that you would like help with please get in touch

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Pesto, I think you misunderstood - I didn't see Tim's comments as a complaint, more an expression of surprise and an indication that it's a shame more don't take up the chance to have one hell of a lot of fun.

It reminds me of I once heard Louise Aitken Walker being interviewed and she was asked what the RAC rally was like for her. Part of her description was "gruelling".

There was then someone else who called in to say "if it's gruelling, don't complain about it, just don't do it you silly woman" or words to that effect.

What the listener had completely missed was that Louise's comment that the RAC was "gruelling" wasn't a complaint ;D

Nevertheless, if we could only find a way of getting over how much fun a trackday is to people who haven't tried it we would be on the way to helping others understand what a great experience it is.

Or, if not a track day then something similar. An autotest only costs £10 for goodness sake, is non car damaging but is the most superb fun 8)  

Same with the club touring trips being discussed - just try one!

But - we should all accept that we don't all like the same things. No-one will ever convince me that shows are exciting or even worthwhile for example - but I don't criticise those that do like the show scene and their point of view is as valid as mine.

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sorbs wrote:

........................understand why more people don't take part in track days or events you'd be able to take action, make some changes and perhaps encourage more people to get involved?  

A very valid approach I'd say.

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Valid but I have found it very difficult to achieve :-/

It's a bit like "hands up everyone who isn't here".

I've tried a questionnaire before and got no response.

Then when I got responses from the 10CR when I was organising that there was lots of contradictions - some loved marked maps, some didn't want them for example.

I see the same thing happening in the discussion about a club touring trip - someone asks for feedback and gets none or very little. A way that works is to organise something, get it underway and then word of mouth builds the entries year by year.

Not many years ago there was literally no "active" use of cars apart from the Round Britain and that attracted entries of about 40 cars - since then with alot of hardwork from many people a momentum has built up and there are many more participants. We just have to keep this going and those who want this kind of thing (or don't yet know that they do ;D) will do more and more.

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There has been a lot happening here over the Christmas period and quite a few points being made.

Triumph clubs appear to value their independence and like to focus on their specific interests and as a consequence have remained small.  Whilst some appear to co-operate with others there has not been, in recent years, to my knowledge an approach to "federate" the various Triumph interests.  It is to our mutual disadvantage that the Triumph Clubs only occasionally act in a unified manner.   Maybe we need some more work in this area.

CT TDs are organised for the benefit of CT members according to the feedback we receive, the expertise we have and the contacts we have made. We could be more adventurous if we had a bigger pool of participants and we need to work to increase the size of potential participants.  CT is relatively new to organising TDs and we do not have a lot of experience.  The main problem is not knowing how much financial risk we can take.  I pointed out the risks in my last post. As we get more experienced I hope we can be more adventurous.

Members of other Triumph Clubs are not excluded from CT TDs, but CT members must have the priority.  I expect we will need other Triumph Club members to make up the totals for this year's programme and the events will be publicised appropriately.

TDs are part of the activities that the Events and Competition Committees provide for members.  We are free to participate in the activities that individually interest us.  Driving long distances or on tracks does not interest everyone, as does preparing a car for a show.  Some people are interested in both and I detect that that number is growing as the benefits of car improvement from TD preperation are understood in day to day driving.

In preparing my TR7 and classic Saab 900 for trackdays I have improved the cars immeasurably, making them perform better, more reliably, safely and comfortably for normal road use.  But TDs do create additional wear particularly to tyres and brakes.  There is a comprehensive guide to preparation for TDs in the pulldowns at the top of the website under Competitions >> Track Days >> Preparation.  Anyone planning a TD should have a look at this well before the TD they are planning.

It would appear that not everyone in the club knows what TDs are about and what you can and can't do on one and what risks are involved for the car owner.  As was pointed out earlier, you do not have to "go for it" and indeed this would not be advisable to anyone that is just starting.  I plan to run an induction for those that want it and some articles in Club Torque about TDs for wider education.  

Cheers, Chris

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Been thinking about all this. (please do not mock me for that)
Anyway, earlier in the year I attended the Prescott all Triumph day thing. What was impressive was the universally positive comments about the day. Everybody who went seemed to love it, and a huge number of people had a go at the Hillclimb, and the grins on the faces!
I suspect if people could have a go they would enjoy it (of course not everybody would be interested) but having some activity at a show was fantastic. Maybe it is the way forward, having multiclub activity days. Also gave the non-participants something to do, have a good nose at a huge variety of Triumphs, just about everything was there.


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