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Bacardo Autosolo


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Massive thanks goes to Mark Bland who came to the saviour at 11.30pm Saturday evening, when the fated lack of knowledge on cars came too the boil.

However he did get his own back by bring me a pillow along so i could drive his Spitfire, i thought i would get that out there before MR COOPER rips me too pieces.

Mark's car is set up very nicely and has an nice long first gear so pretty dam handy for autosolos.

With all concerned the spitfires held there own very well, nice to see Matt Barkers recently acquired spitfire out. Which value for money looks like an extremely nice find.

The day didnt go without its events, with Mark having too change tyres for the journey home being one of them (Sorry Mark)

Finshing order for the triumph went like this:

1.Matt Helm
2.James Cooper
3.Mark Bland
4.Matt Barker
5.Dale Barker

Good times, look out for the Abingdon Autosolo with regs up on the Dolphin motorclub website. There will be a sprint with over 100 cars entered at the same venue and camping is permitted with the following day a stage rally will be present at the venue.

And also dont forget that the regs are out for the Club Triumph Annual Autosolo on the 15th July

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Yep - great day out.  

But - it wasn't part of the deal to beat everyone using my car Matt!  I guess it at least shows what the car is capable of now that the Megajolt is working - I just need to learn how to drive  :'(

Anyway ... this is what my tyres looked like at the end of the day having started life as a nearly new set :

And this is how Matt finished them off


And to top it all off, I got home to find I have no reverse gear  :(.  Not sure how I can blame Matt for that but might be a while before the car sees another autosolo  :-/


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MarkDeTriomphe wrote:

And to top it all off, I got home to find I have no reverse gear  :(.  Not sure how I can blame Matt for that but might be a while before the car sees another autosolo  :-/



What gearbox do you have?

Isn't there a link between first and reverse ona single rail, as I remember always being told to always pause a long time if going between one and the other on the single rail.

Matt commented on your first being taller, is it a Marina gearset or a GT6 one?



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thescrapman wrote:


What gearbox do you have?

Isn't there a link between first and reverse ona single rail, as I remember always being told to always pause a long time if going between one and the other on the single rail.

Matt commented on your first being taller, is it a Marina gearset or a GT6 one?



Colin I believe its a Gt6 one....

does about 60 in 1st ;D


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Alex wrote:

Colin I believe its a Gt6 one....

does about 60 in 1st ;D


yes - GT6 ratios., but using a 4:11 diff at the moment so struggles to get to 50 in first now  ;)

Colin - thanks for the thoughts - will need to take the top off I think to see if it's internals, otherwise I have to suspect the overdrive.

James -  they had done a couple of thousand miles before hand  so should have been reasonably well scrubbed - just can't trust that Matthew to look after anything !  Am thinking that they might manage one more solo if I put them on the back though.


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2020 wrote:

Mark's car is set up very nicely and has an nice long first gear so pretty dam handy for autosolos.

See, Mark. I told you your car was fine!  :P

You now have no excuses for the CT autosolo. ;)

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thescrapman wrote:

You might be better with a 3-rail non-OD Vitesse or Gt6 box.

I was talking to Mr Helm senior about this, it is getting the special input shaft made up to go with the 4-cyl that was going to cost.



My gears man sorted a gt6 box into his spit himself.
Chopped the input shaft, drilled/pinned and then welded the input shaft from a spit. He also machined some phosphor bronze bearings and generally improved the box. 14 years later still sweet.

however, if somebody were to produce a run of shafts it would be more cost effective. Should be stronger too, but the "homemade" version is lasting very well.

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MikeyB wrote:
How do you get on with the ratios Mark - I have one of these conversion shafts and was seriously considering putting a GT6 box in the rally herald.

I worried about 1st being too tall though.

I like it now - as Matt says, it is quite nice not having to change gear on the autosolos.  

Last year the engine had no torque at low revs so bogged down all the time.  However, with the megajolt that has changed and it is quite driveable now and once you are moving the close ratios are a real pleasure.   Still no way I can light up the tyres though and hill starts are interesting.


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MikeyB wrote:
How do you get on with the ratios Mark - I have one of these conversion shafts and was seriously considering putting a GT6 box in the rally herald.

I worried about 1st being too tall though.

Stick with a 4.11 diff and it should be OK, though with a bit of luck yours will rev to 7500, so you may be able to drop to a 4.5 diff.

40mph in first should be about right for autosolos.



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MikeyB wrote:
How do you get on with the ratios Mark - I have one of these conversion shafts and was seriously considering putting a GT6 box in the rally herald.

I worried about 1st being too tall though.

This is what it's like off the line - with a 4:11 diff.

Nothing electric, but I think it makes up for that later on!



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