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Ed Airport: As Dave states, a prestigious stop and one I think is better than say Kinross Services a bit further up the road on the M90.

TR Reg, Didcot: I cannot see a problem with Didcot. The location is only a few miles away from the A34. CT and the TR Reg have always got on, and I think little arrangements like that help. Thanks, Chris and all other TR Reg staff for helping CT out.

I'd love it if the RBRR could visit the TSSC HQ at Lubenham, unfortunately that location is to far inland.

Sixpenny Handley: Not impressed at all. Despite John Snook's efforts, we needed space to park cars and there was not enough. I will press for us to visit Pimperne again, and I will work out the cake issue. Big thanks to Nick, John, James and Mike.

All the others are fine and I see no need to change them. I will be writing to all the establishments that helped CT to thank them.

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Tim, as Pimperne is 5 minutes from my home I'll do some research about the Cricket Club there.  They have they're own hall for refreshments, plenty of land and it's nearer to the main road.  I just need to check how much formal parking space they can provide by the hall.   I'll follow up other options as well.


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Tim, as Pimperne is 5 minutes from my home I'll do some research about the Cricket Club there.  They have they're own hall for refreshments, plenty of land and it's nearer to the main road.  I just need to check how much formal parking space they can provide by the hall.   I'll follow up other options as well.


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An explanation about Handley.  Apparently the car park is not the sole preserve of the Hall but is open to any residents.  I had been there several times with local car clubs and never seen more than 2/3 other cars, however this timethere was obviously an important football match with 20+ cars.  Without them there would have been no problem.  Having said that I think the locals were more inconvenienced than us.

Advatanges over Pimperne - a much bigger and better kitchen.  A much better and more efficient booking system - the lady from Pimperne is a nightmare to contact.

Wherever we are next time we might - no promises - go back to cakes.

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I was blissfully unaware of the additional effort of the marshals and their team to sort the parking at Sixpenny- aside from that issue I felt it went very well  there. WI or club members wives: everyone there made us so welcome.  
The camaraderie and cheerful nature of all the Marshalls and volunteers at all the stops on the RBRR makes me feel proud to be British- cakes, cars, sunshine and the company of friends- what a life!   :)

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As a RBRR first timer (thoroughly enjoyed the whole event................thanks all) I can say that all stops were fine.
The only critism (if any) was the Edingburgh one could have been signposted as to where we were supposed to go......................if it wasn;t for a bus driver pointing us in the right direction we could have been there a while trying to find it............ ;)

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While the lay-by where the control is located at Edinburgh Airport has not changed, the approach has.

I presume partly due to security measures but also as a revenue earner as you cannot now drop off outside the terminal building without paying.

It can be simply solved by writing in the roadbook "Follow signs for Terminal Building, then use Authorised Vehicles Only lane to enter control."

I agree with Dave Kent that the airport is a prestigious location and we should try to retain it at all costs.


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MWG445 wrote:
While the lay-by where the control is located at Edinburgh Airport has not changed, the approach has.

I presume partly due to security measures but also as a revenue earner as you cannot now drop off outside the terminal building without paying.

It can be simply solved by writing in the roadbook "Follow signs for Terminal Building, then use Authorised Vehicles Only lane to enter control."

I agree with Dave Kent that the airport is a prestigious location and we should try to retain it at all costs.


Or a little flag pointer on the island.......................but now we know were we are going it be easier next time...............was just   a thought for future first timers.

We did mention this to Mr Langrick over drinks at the hotel after the event when he asked our teams thoughts on the whole event being first timers........... :)

Still a well organised and thoroughly enjoyable event.

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Olivia my 5 year old is getting very good at baking Gluten free cakes and I note 3 or 4 crews are now at least wheat free if not full blown Celiac  - Olivia and I would love to provide a venue with some "alternative" cakes! - she once wanted to make marmite and chocolate cake?!!-for crews with "special tummies!"

On a more serious note all the stops worked really well for us -six penny half chocolate biscuit worked OK for us as we had been delayed by a faulty overdrive inhibitor switch -hence the gaffer taped switch on the gear lever - (the gear lever switch went open circuit first then I was getting high resistance across the inhibitor switch)-all sorted out at the picnic area on the A303 I stayed on the 303 rather than take the A35 @ Honiton as I wanted to give my self some breathing space time to fix the O/D it meant we also took the A3081 and got to do "zig zag hill"

Skiatch -I am sure the fuel was a bit iffy there? ,but we had a good car park brew using the stove and drank that instead!

Tebay- Has always been an unofficial stop of ours -shower coffee well lit hassle free forecourt etc and the Chicken curry this year was gluten free!

Didcot - works well ,traffic back into London is always pants and would be from anywhere that time of day, the only way around this would be to move the finish point to a country pub in the sticks

Lands end worked really well for us

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We filled up at Skiatch...........................and had no fuel issues.

We filled up there too, but I notice from our records that we only needed just over 24litres as we had already filled at Kinross.

Can't see that they would have more than one holding tank underground feeding different pumps but I guess anything is possible.
Do you know how much you put in at Skiach Lee, cos althought the low comp 2500S would suffer poor fuel reasonably well, Dave's pi wouldn't have been too happy.


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4576 wrote:

we thought it could have been fuel there that caused our problem.

We filled twice there once the way up and on the way down! -the car felt like it had a blocking fuel filter I could only get it to high revs on at 8/10ths full throttle, if I put it to the floor I couldn't get full rpm and got a bit of a miss fire -reminded me of a fault the 2000 had on a HCR which turned out to be white rubbery goo in the metal fuel filter before the electric pump-I was going to swap the filter at Stirling but Homer wanted to get cracking on his driving stint and get to Tebay in good light -filled up with decent stuff at Morrison s and it ran fine after that -could well have also been a bit of goo that cleared its self this time

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