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which cam is best


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Hi I have a 2500 engine in my Vitesse MK2 with a 2R high lift cam from Canley Classis. Timing is 35-75-75-35 duration 290 degrees cam lift .310.
I find all the power is at the top end of the rev range and would like more torque at the lower rev range but without losing to much power all round ?.
I have thought about the MK2 Vitesse standard camshaft but would this be any good in a 2500 ?.
I have also seen the camshafts on Criss Witors web site Item no 308778 and has timing of 25-65-65-25 duration 270 degrees cam lift .230.  Has any body got this cam fiited and what is it like ?.
Also what camshafts are best for torque and power.
Thanks Mike.

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carmadmike wrote:
I have also seen the camshafts on Chris Witor's web site Item no 308778 and has timing of 25-65-65-25 duration 270 degrees cam lift .230.  Has any body got this cam fiited and what is it like ?

The MkII Vitesse cam is 308778, its the same cam as a 2.5PI Saloon.

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Hi Richard Thanks for the reply,
Do you know if this a better cam for more torque than the one I have and what sort of bhp could I expect fom a 2500s engine with hs6 dolly sprint carbs. I also have a sare Vitesse MK1 distributor could I run this with this cam or would it need to be recurved. Thanks Mike

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2.5PI/Mk2 Vitesse is a good cam and will give strong bottom end torque and something like 125 real horses (strong horses)

You could also consider the TR5/early TR6 cam which moves things up the range a little but still gives strong mid-range torque and something like 135 - 140 real horses.  Reports vary on the suitability of this cam for carbs - some say it's fine, others report problems.  I suspect it is all in the setup and it ought to be more carb friendly than your current cam I'd think.

Wonder why your current arrangement lacks torque - it's not that extreme?  Might be that it needs a higher compression ratio.  Do you know what compression ratio you have?  What exhaust manifold?


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I had a 2R cam in my 2.5 Vitesse until recently.2R is a TLD cam.
It gave plenty of low down torque but due to a compression of over 11:1(bodged skim)it wouldn`t rev.

My new engine has a TR5 cam running on HS6 carbs and a compression ratio of 10:1 along with a flowed head and inlet manifold+6-3-1.

Whilst i cant give you any actual figures for HP because i`m still running it in,it feels strong and will pull from 1200 revs in high gears easily.Gearing on your car may affect things but i have a saloon box with j type O/d and a 3.27 diff.Still on 13 inch wheels though.

It has a lumpy tickover but the needles aren`t right yet as its too lean up the range.

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Hi all
I do not know the compression ratio but when I did a compression test a few weeks ago it came up at about 150psi. I am also running on a standard exhaust manifold at the moment.
I too had a lumpy tickover with this cam until the distributor doctor  did his magic with the distributor and matched it to the cam. It is now very smooth on tickover. Well worth the money.
The head was not skimed. the engine is built in a Vitesse block with 2.5 crank, pistons, and 2.5s head. All standard but running a 363 diff.
Would the vitesse cam be more fuel efficient than the tr5/6 cam what with the price of liquid gold.
Thanks Mike.

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I just checked and the compression ratio for a standard 2500S is 8.5:1 which is nowhere near enough for that cam.

If I were you I'd get the head skimmed to 10:1 and see how you go. Even if you end up putting a Vitesse cam in there it'll benefit it.

A Vitesse cam probably will be more fuel efficient.


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carmadmike wrote:
Hi I have a 2500 engine in my Vitesse MK2 with a 2R high lift cam from Canley Classis. Timing is 35-75-75-35 duration 290 degrees cam lift .310.

I once had a 2.5PI Estate with a similar Kent cam 37-73-73-37 with 175CD's, I can't remember the model Number. However I had the same problem, very peaky came in around 3500 upwards and it always felt like I was thrashing it to get anywhere.

Eventually I switched back to the PI 132 cam and refitted the Lucas PI. Much better.  8)

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Richard — that's probably more to do with setup than anything. My 2 litre with HS6 and a longer duration cam didn't have those issues.

Now it's on EFI its a changed beast even more - but I didn't have to thrash it before.

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Hi all and thanks for the help
I think I might go with the Vitesse Mk2 camshaft but I have a few more questions.
I have a compression ratio of 8.5:1 would this camshaft work ok with that or would it be better at 9.5:1 as the Vitesse engine.
My cam followers were new with the cam I am useing now (about 1500 to 2000 miles) would they be ok to use with the Vitesse mk2 cam or should I get a new set.
does anybody know if the lucas vitesse mk1 distributor has a different curve to the mk2 distributor. I only ask as I have a spare mk1 dizzy that mabe I could use while my mk2 dizzy is being matched to the cam. Or should I just wait for the dizzy to be matched.
Thanks Mike.

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1 — You'll need to get it skimmed as the vitesse cam also needs more compression.
2 — Ideally you want new followers

If I were you I'd get a new gasket and get the head skimmed. I think you'll be fine with your new cam. £50 versus £200.

There's no reason why that cam shouldn't work?

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