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Interesting Cam Followers


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Those cam lobes are scored all the way around!  Did the PO close up the tappet gap to zero?
And the followers are eroded all over the face! Right up to the edges!
This must be a metallurgical problem, not poor maintenance or cackhanded adjustment.

What's the rest of the engine like?  Is the oil like gravel?


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Leon, Steve,
Why are the followers' faces covered all over with marks?
The cam bears on a small area of the face, just off centre, so that the follower rotates slowly in use.  A worn cam, or gritty oil, would produce a worn ring around the centre of the face.  There's nothing to make any particles ricochet around the face. like a piece of broken valve inside a chamber, marking the piston top all over.
What's happening to these followers?

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Hi John, I think that kind of damage is from the follower either breaking thru or not having been properly hardfaced.  Then the soft metal microwelds itself to the cam and "grabs" bits off.  We see it a lot here in the plant between HARD cam follower rollers pounding thru the cams.  

I can't make out how bad the cam is but if it's still hard it could clean up with a file and paper.  Not that I'd want it in the racer  ;D

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I believe that it was poor heat treatment of the so-called tuftrided followers from toilet tune that caused the problem.

The camshaft appeared to escape significant damage, but I did not re-use it, just in case.

I have also never used toilet tune cam followers since that happened.


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GT6DavidMK1 wrote:
The camshaft had 4 lopes missing worn down to stumps :)


Apologies for going off thread GT6DavidMK1 but I have to tell you that I saw an AC3000 ME in Portsmouth last night or the night before in the same colour as yours, was it you? as they are pretty rare.

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