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Spitfire 1500 disc brake pads


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I'm in the process of replacing the front calipers on my 1500 which had seized. I retained the old pads since they are hardly worn at all being relatively new.

When I removed them from the old caliper I noticed that on the back of the pad there appeared to be a thin paper/plastic backing. I hadn't originally noticed this until I also noticed what seemed a slight raised 'bubble', akin to an air bubble but which on investigation seems to be a bubble of the copper grease. Pressing it causes it to spread out as you'd expect.

I can of course remove this backing but am just wondering why it might be there. Could it simply be the manufacturers (Delco I think) protective layer when new and which should have been removed when originally fitted?.

Any ideas and any reason why I shouldn't just remove it?

Usual TIA

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Copper slip is often put behind the pads to stop them from squealing (you probably already know this)
but the strip is something new i've not seen before. All i can think of is a PO has put the material there to try and stop squealing in the pads or it could have been just the paper back on the pads which stated the manufacturer etc. Without pics I don't really know. Nothing you need to worry about if getting new pads though, just fit either with antisqueal shims or some copper slip.

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Thanks both Louis and Doug for your comments.

Yes I think they must just be a paper/plastic backing from the manufacturer, since from memory (they're  not in front of me at the moment) Delco is written on the backing paper rather than stamped on the back of the pad.

Agree Doug. I would normally change them out but I know for a fact they've not done more than a couple of hundred miles if that. They were changed at the last MOT before I SORN'd it 3 years ago.

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I have seen a backing to the pads on other cars. Think it is just an antisqueal pad. Leave or remove it, but I have used thin card liberally coated both sides with copperslip to achieve something similar where squealing has been an issue.

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