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Fuel tank hose pipe inside???


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Get a medium sized safety pin
Open it and attach it to a piece of light stick or dowel
Bind it on with light gauge wire and duck tape with the open point backwards like a fishing hook barb (really secure you don't want it in the tank as well!)
Insert it carefully into the pipe end and the barb should snag the inside of the pipe
You may need a second stick to act like chop sticks

Hope it works

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Update: this wax a pain in the arse to say the least!!!!
Tried many things even managed to kebab and thread  a piece of string through the hole-this was fun. Pull it broke the pipe!!! Talk about wedged

Final brain wave. Heat with hot air gun till pipe went floppy (o eerr mrs), rekebabed and managed to flick it out. Only 3 bleeding knuckles.

Now sealed internally, the por stuff is good, but need to follow directions well!! Plus don't let it spill on ur drive it doesn't go and looks like vomit!!!  And I have 3 patches, and let's say the lady of the house is not impressed.

Thought the update may help someone in the future.

Another job off the list!!!


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Update: this wax a pain in the arse to say the least!!!!
Tried many things even managed to kebab and thread  a piece of string through the hole-this was fun. Pull it broke the pipe!!! Talk about wedged

Final brain wave. Heat with hot air gun till pipe went floppy (o eerr mrs), rekebabed and managed to flick it out. Only 3 bleeding knuckles.

Now sealed internally, the por stuff is good, but need to follow directions well!! Plus don't let it spill on ur drive it doesn't go and looks like vomit!!!  And I have 3 patches, and let's say the lady of the house is not impressed.

Thought the update may help someone in the future.

Another job off the list!!!


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