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Mystery Switch?


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10312 wrote:
Might turn out to be a stupid question but I've just bought a '79 Spitfire and I've found this metal switch on my dashboard but I can't figure out what it's for, does anyone have a clue what it might be for?  ??) ??)

Cheers in advance

James ,
The only thing you can do it lay yourself under the dash and look to where the wires are going if they are any connected to the switch.
Do you have a pic of it ?

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4526 wrote:

James ,
The only thing you can do it lay yourself under the dash and look to where the wires are going if they are any connected to the switch.
Do you have a pic of it ?

Thought it uploaded one but apparently not. Yeah that's a pretty good idea, I haven't had chance to give it a full check over but didn't know if anyone else had one and for what reason.

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Whatever it is for, it is very fugly and should be thrown a long way from the car! If you want to mount extra switches, a more aesthetically pleasing way is to mount them below the dash.

Of course, removing it will leave a hole. You could fit an indicator lamp for an electric fan or overdrive. Or you could make the hole bigger and fit another gauge, such as oil pressure.

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10312 wrote:
Yeah I tried to trace the wires but couldn't...As there wasn't any! So bit of an anti climax as there's no ejector seat or anything! It is in a bit of an odd place so I'll see if I can make use of it or something. Cheers for all your ideas  :)

Shaun will not be happy that there is no ejector seat  :-/  :P

I did have 2 holes in my dashbord, one is fitted now with a switch for the rear fog light (legal here on cars) and the other one is fitted with a chrome plug.

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