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Ben Baxter

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Just a quick question - canvassing for opinion really, not a major issue just a minor niggle that is annoying me.

I'm losing oil in the Herald, but strangely I seem to be losing it out of the top of the rocker cover of all places. Originally thought it was out of the holes for the studs as its been overtorqued in the past (original tin jobbie), but after sorting that out and putting some fibre washers on to ensure a good seal I'm still losing oil out of the rocker cover. This leaves me thinking that it's coming out of the oil filler cap - could this just be due to a duff rocker cover/cap, or is it more likely to be that oil is being forced out of the top under pressure?

Is it anything to be concerned about? (other than the cost of occasional oil top ups and a mucky drive!)

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I've a new one so it isn't that (the old one was buggered), and I know that I'm definately losing oil from higher up than that as it's settling in the lip of the rocker cover that is above the seal - only places it can come from (unless it's flowing upwards!) is the stud holes (sorted) and the breather cap in some form.

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Clean the cover thouroughly, then run the engine at a fast idle and try to see where the oil is emerging from.

I had the same problem on my Vitesse when I bought it. It turned out that the rocker cover had a tiny split in it near to the centre stud - 3 studs on a 6 pot.

Temporary cure was a blob of silicone, permanent cure another rocker cover.


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GT6_Mike wrote:
Might be worth checking that the breather is clear.

Breather? Whats one of them when it's at home? Guessing you mean like on the alloy rocker covers, none of them here, that's high tech stuff!

I would be tempted to praise the lord and shut the bonnet, but I'm of the opinion that I could well be losing oil from elsewhere (and it isn't an insignificant oil loss), and if I can rule this avenue out then all the better - if it solves the oil loss it solves it, if it doesn't then it makes looking for another cause easier!

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Similar to Freebird, I recently had a problem with a continual sump leak on a Fiat (I know, I know!!), no matter how much I tightened the sump and searched for the leak I just couldn't find it - until one day I pulled at a scabby bit of metal  and the oil started pouring out! This is not what I expected to find on an oil-filled sump but it just goes to show the strangest of things can happen. My advice is to change the rocker cover, I bet your problem is instantly cured. Also, when a rocker cover has been over-tightened it will never seal properly again as the face will have become distorted.

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sorry b-baxter ..thought it was a minor leak from your first description...also worth looking at the top of the rocker where the bolts go through ..even with fibre washers it can still leak from there ...sometimes there is a crack around the holes or someone has been overtightened and distorted the top so it will leak anyway

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try running the car with the filler car off (guess it is a gauze filled breather cap) If there is a lot of pressure when revved then its the rings. If you seal the top it will come out elsewhere.
Or take the dipstick out when running, oil can blow out there esp if the sealing fely washer has gone. And I think there is a breather pipe on the side of the block? check there too.

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why not clean the cover, tape some paper towel around the sites you think are the cause and have a look after a run to see what has oil stains, then you know where to look,  but you must make certain the breather system whatever method or evolved  type is fitted is actually breathing,  
how long has this been occcuring ??  have you ever put a measured amount in the sump for oil change and checked the dipstick reads right ???? you could be overfilled ??   just some ideas  Peter

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