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Carpet under felt?


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So I finally ordered my molded carpets from James Paddock (though the saving wasn't as much as I thought as the original price didn't include VAT!).

My question is, would you use under felt with molded carpets?

Any opinions would be appreciated.



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I bought an under felt kit for my moulded carpets.  I have used the rear load area and glued it to the under side of the carpet and also cut front footwell sections and glued those to the underside of the footwell carpet to stop it moving underfoot.  I haven't used the underlay any where else, it's not needed.  You will need underfelt on the rear arches if the original has been removed.  I found the moulded carpet set to be very thin and of poor quality when compared to the  wool carpets that are available for say MGB's.

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One more point is to make sure your car is pretty watertight before considering underfelt. Once it gets wet, it's a bugger to dry out again, Just having carpet makes it much easier to dry out if you get leaks in heavy rain.

It's a toss-up between having a noisier dry non-smelly car, or a quiet one with soggy Weetabix underneath your feet.

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3647 wrote:
Carpets have just been delivered. Any advice or tips on fitting?


I did use brush on contact adhesive to fit mine but  I now use the spray carpet adhesive because it's strong enough to stick the carpet but will allow the removal of carpets without ripping off any paint!!

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Yep, I used spray as well.
DO fit the little round push-in clip-on things. They take some figuring out, but are completely necessary.
They save wear and tear on the chin and knees when getting in and out of the car....

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