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Under bonnet pics needed.


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The side shields hold hot air inside the engine area, without helps to keep things cool ,inside and outside the cabin
If there are no angle brackets on the bulkhead /foot well upright, then you would have to weld or screw some on
The front end are held on to the upright of the rad u frame

Advice......don`t bother    

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Are we talking about the ones by the wheels going from the radiator to the bulkhead? They DO keep a lot of shit off the engine, especially from puddles. Don't run without air filters with them off, I did, I had stones inside my carbs. Although I probably need to point out I went through a very deep puddle at rather high speed - fast and deep enough to arc over the car completely.

I'm still running without them.

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He's a good bloke - came up with mine (with vents) for me, as I recall. Cardboard ones ain't worth having, IMO.

Not sure about fitting them, myself. Ran without them for many years in 1300 and 1500 guise and put up with the road dirt flying everywhere. Now the cars got the GT6 engine (it's a Mk 3 engine I think - they all look the same) I have driven with them fitted and without. Logic says that in place they might speed airflow through out and under the car - and the car was designed to have them fitted - but.....  

They're on at the moment. *Bling!*

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