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I would like to congratulate all participants on the RBRR - those who gave it a go but did not make it as well as the finishers.  

Had planned to do Monmouth like last time but being advised that the old bridge was closed and Monmouth was being missed decided to go to Gordano over the new bridge.  
Got to Chepstow, then roundabout access for the M48 and instinctively turned left to Bristol.  Halfway over the old bridge though to myself "This the bridge is closed" then saw a TR4 and GT6 in convoy and realised I was not still asleep ...........

Had hope to chat with those I knew but seeing the general kna**ered state of many decided to just be there and watch and have a chat if anyone wanted to.

Thoughts about doing it next time myself?  Yes, but would an estate (or two in convoy) with dogs as passengers be allowed .........

Well done everyone - organisers and marshals included.


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339 wrote:
That would be Roy in his Mk1 and me in my Mk3 you saw in convoy with the TR4 over the bridge 8) 8) 8)

Actually my 4A I think Tim. Having had a short burst of enthusiasm at around 4,800 rpm in o/d top I slowed in compliance with the posted 50mph limit on the Avon bridge whereupon you and Roy promptly passed me and preceded me into Gordano.


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