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SU Carbs Lubrication


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I have a question for you. I have cleaned and serviced the carbs of my spit mk3.

Do I have to lubricate the moving parts with grease/light oil?

The only part I am almost 100% sure I have is the jet with some vaseline.

Thanks in advance!

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I am pretty sure you put Vaseline no where near the Jets!  :-/
As for lube! no I think the pots get the damping oil and then leave well alone!
Any Vaseline will be dissolved by petrol!Bearings are lubed with grease on building of the carbs?
Or am I wrong? Not 100% sure? I have never lubed my carbsHope this is of help?

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any manual will tell you its engine oil in the dampers
its called a damper as it is there to damp the rise of the piston to give you a rich mixture for acceleration, fill it with cats pee and you get no damping and a  weak mixture  its down to preference but its there for a tried and tested reason  and engine oil is viscous rated as hot and cold .... how thin is hot 3in1 !!!  sorry cant agree on this one     Pete

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Unscrew the dashpot (the black knurled thing on top of the carb) and you should hear it slurp as you pull the pluger carefully out of the dashpot. Look down the tube and fill with your choice of oil (I use 20w50) until you can see the level 1-2cm below the top of the tube. Refit the dashpot plunger carefully. Be careful not to mix plungers up as they are matched to the carb/dashpot.

I am probably using the wrong terms  :-/

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