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Best for Body Panels?


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I'm in need of:

Drivers side rear, inner wheel arch
A Post, rain channel gutters
Drivers side front, outer wheel arch
Drivers side, Headlight support panel

Who's got the best prices on panels?
And, do all these panels come from the same presses, or are some suppliers better than others? (fit wise?)

I've previously used Rimmers for my panels, but don't want to pay their prices


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1903 wrote:
I'm in need of:

Drivers side rear, inner wheel arch
A Post, rain channel gutters
Drivers side front, outer wheel arch
Drivers side, Headlight support panel

And, do all these panels come from the same presses, or are some suppliers better than others? (fit wise?)

There seems to be some confusion here.

Yes all those panels come from the same presses which are owned by BMH (British Motor Heritage).

In theory you are going to get the best price/availability from a Heritage approved supplier (look for the logo on their adverts) as it's only those that have first call on all Heritage product. All other suppliers can only buy Heritage product through a Heritage agent hence making them dearer.  

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  • 4 weeks later...

1903 wrote:
I'm going to Stoneleigh in March

Will I be able to buy new panels whilst I'm there?

Just wondering whether I should wait until next month and hopefully save some money, or just bite the bullet and get them now

most traders will let you order over the phone and collect from the show.  

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1903 wrote:
Do you think I'd get a discount if I did this or not?
(been a while since I went to any shows)

If not I'll just order as usual

Tim - have you updated your rebuild thread recently?

I collected from show but don;t think i got any discount

I haven't updated the thread, too busy reading everyone elses!!

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Another approach is to go to the show, and see what is there. You can often pick up new panels being sold by people who have abondoned restorations etc for way less than from a trader, also NOS stuff usually turns up, plus traders do show specials. And many offer free delivery if ordered at the show.
Just a thought.....

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