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Top up diff oil - where's the damn hole?


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Spitfire 1500

Ok, this may sound like a silly question if you've already found the oil hole on your diff, but I can't find it! This may be due to the whole thing being caked in gunk.

Presumably it's a square thing rather than a hexagonal bolt head, but if someone could give me a clue as to whereabouts to find it, I'd be most grateful.

I have to work next to the road, so the less time I spend with my legs sticking out into the traffic, the better.

If anyone has a photo, that would be even better. Can't find one on google that shows the oil top up and even the Haynes is vague about it.

Thanks very much in advance.

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Oh and whilst you're here, how about this one?

The rev counter stopped working. Then I put the brakes on and it worked again. Release brake pedal, no rev counter. Apply it, rev counter works. Ten times in a row, so not a coincidence.

Later on, the rev counter stopped working altogether.

The wipers also worked intermittently...... at times when they stopped, I pressed the brakes and hey presto, working wipers.

This is a head-scratcher. No doubt a loose connection, but which one, where and why?

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harvestmouse wrote:
Oh and whilst you're here, how about this one?

The rev counter stopped working. Then I put the brakes on and it worked again. Release brake pedal, no rev counter. Apply it, rev counter works. Ten times in a row, so not a coincidence.

Later on, the rev counter stopped working altogether.

The wipers also worked intermittently...... at times when they stopped, I pressed the brakes and hey presto, working wipers.

This is a head-scratcher. No doubt a loose connection, but which one, where and why?

Is your battery fastened down well?
Also is the fuse box screwed to the bulkhead?
If the battery moves back or the harness moves through the fuse box , it could be moving loose terminals at the fuses, hence the intermittent workings
Try wiggling the fuse box with electrics on

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Is your battery fastened down well?       Double fixing. Gravity and prayer.

Also is the fuse box screwed to the bulkhead?   Think so but will check.

If the battery moves back or the harness moves through the fuse box , it could be moving loose terminals at the fuses, hence the intermittent workings
Try wiggling the fuse box with electrics on
    Will do.

Have only just acquired the car, so there are no doubt going to be some niggles.

Thanks all for your help so far. Will update progress. The engine earth strap seems ok, but it's worth cleaning the contacts. Still can't understand why touching the brake pedal made the rev counter work....

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  • 2 weeks later...

Diff oil now done. The filler is fairly obvious when the gunk is scraped off.

Fusebox fixed ok. Battery cables ok. Will check for loose earth wire on rev counter next.

Considering the lack of space under the dashboard, would it be easier to remove the counter by removing the knurled nuts behind it and then check the wiring? Did a dashboard change on an mg and I think it had the same instruments.

Can move the earth wire or add another one if I can't see where the other end of the wire is.

Thanks again to all for your help.

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