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Clutch fun...Not.


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Got the recently acquired car out on Sunday to take it for a well anticipated run.
When i pressed the clutch pedal there was absolutely no resistance felt past what appeared to be the return spring alone. Checked the reservoir and it was empty!
All dry around the master cylinder but as i looked down into the gearbox area it looked decidedly damp arond the slave area. Not so shocked really as the previous owner did mention something about the slave (amongst lots of other points) when i bought it.
So, hoping for the best, and being rather keen to enjoy some sunshine i topped the reservoir up, pumped the pedal a dozen or cso times and it managed to allow me to drive the car for the day (spare fluid in the boot of course).
The real point of the post though is that when i lifted the boot to check the master cylinder it was VERY obvious that the pushrod fork is suffering from the elongated hole problem. The clevis pin looked good, but i didnt dismantle the assembly to fully check.
My question is this. Is it possible to buy just a replacement pushrod fork?
It dosent appear to be listed separately on Rimmers. Or will i need to either find a replacement used one, replace the whole master cylinder. Or attempt the welded hole repair?
Any suggestions welcome!

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I've been unable to find suitable replacement rods/forks.  I don't weld, but took the pedal & pushrod (both were oval) to a welding shop with a new pin, & they had them back the next day for a cost that was really only symbolic - maybe $20 or so.

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7330 wrote:
Where abouts are you? It would be such a minor job to weld up a forum member might have a spare 5 minutes. If your in Wiltshire I would happily do it for you.

Good luck.

Many thanks for your kind offer, but i am up north near Bolton (Lancashire).
After a little asking around at work i think i may have found someone who could do it for me. Fingers crossed!

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Hi Duncdude........A fellow Boltonite

Yes get yourself up with me and ste to P&P, we will show you the way.

Where are you in Bolton, i am based in Bradley Fold

Had a rummage in my bit box and found a used but only slightly worn pushrod assem from a spit.....yours if you can use it bud... :)


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6797 wrote:
Bolton..... dangerously close to Pendle and Pennine.... I expect the P+P mafia will be along any second to persuade you to attend their meetings! ;-)

Ha ha, don't mind if they do!
The missus said it wouldn't be long before i was attending rallies and the like  ;D

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uksnatcher wrote:
Hi Duncdude........A fellow Boltonite

Yes get yourself up with me and ste to P&P, we will show you the way.

Where are you in Bolton, i am based in Bradley Fold

Had a rummage in my bit box and found a used but only slightly worn pushrod assem from a spit.....yours if you can use it bud... :)


Hi Gaz,

I'm in Edgworth, so not far from you at all.
Thats a fine looking pushrod there (loving the non oval holes!). I'd be very happy to accept your kind offer. Fancy seeing what the deal is at a meet too. Being new to the scene and a little unfamiliar with my new acquisition, im keeping the runs to approx 10 miles from home at the moment.... Thats my RAC recovery radius  ;D

Once i have got to know the old girl better i will be heading much further afield!

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Nice to meet you Dunc and your new Spitty is a little gem, very original and unmolested....well done   (ok)

You are so close to Edgworth Broadhead rd to the 'Grain' road its perfect for those test drives you will just have to make... ;)

Superb day for a ride over and took a pic of meaty seeing as i dont see Edgworth too often, lovely area..great roads...!

All being well, see you fri and you can meet up with some more Triumph nutters at the P&P meet.

BTW its CHRIS211083 on here that has the uprights, send him a PM....he dosnt bite (much) .. ;)

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Hi Gaz,

Great to meet you too pal, and thanks a million for the push rod and almost three hours of advice. You have really got me thinking about my 'priority list of jobs now. Some more urgent than others before i try out broadhead in anger! ;)
VERY impressed with your motor too, it's an excellent example of what can be done to one of these cars and still keep it looking original.
I have just PM'd Chris so i'll see what transpires. Dont know whether i should really just stump up the cash and get new though really. Still i'm sure they will be worth looking over.

BTW... I reckon your 'Salmon' steering wheel looks the biz..... Now i'm off to go polish my rocker cover  ;)

Hopefully see you and a few others Friday (including tiggrr1)

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