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I have taken the anti roll bar off my Vitesse to renew the bushes  etc., but when I placed it on a flat surface on end was higher than the other.  Can anyone tell me if the bar is made from special metal, ie sprung, or will I be able to straighten it in my big vice with a long tube on one end.  Should I be looking for another bar????

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This will probably have been from years of use. The bars are made from tempered steel, essentially turning them into sprung steel. That's a very broad analysis of how they're made, but it's the jist of it.

If you do decide to go for another bar I think I have a few good ones of varieing thicknesses (Biggest is 1")

However, I think it should be flat, as if you re-attach a bent bar you may get one side riding higher than the other. Out of interest, is the car std or modified, as anti-roll bars aren't the be all and end all of making a car go round corners...

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Look here: http://club.triumph.org.uk/cgi-bin/forum10/Blah.pl?m-1320674188/s-0/

I had a similar thing with mine....tends to bend more one side over time.....due to the drivers side being used more.....They're often not straight....just reverse it when re-fitting...that's what I did...just as long as it's not massively out.

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I wonder if they were bent to start of wid.!!!
reasoning, Ive took loads of years ago,  from spits to heralds / vits, all bent.
only ones not bent were the thicker ones of 1500/ late GTs

maybe it was bent cos car was usually only one up.!!!

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Turning over an ARB will make no difference, the twist remains in the same orientation. Try bending a paper clip to the shape of the ARB and try turning that over if you need an illustration of how it works (or doesn't).

Bent to start with? Of course they were, it was introduced on the earliest Heralds and continued throughout,


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That's a bit like changing a right hand thread to a left hand thread by turning it over. Says Malc.

well ive actually seen a  bloke  put a left hand threaded  mast stay  ,onto a right hand thread adjuster.
thought it were impossible, but seemingly not.
asked how he managed it, he said it were rusty, so I thought the rust was the problem,with it being stiff.

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