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Fitting a new wiper 'wheelbox'...


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At the moment I only have one wiper - on the passenger side. The teeth of the driver's side wheelbox appear to be virtually stripped so have acquired another which may be 'NOS', looking at it. Apart from the physical contortion of trying to get under the dash what are the problems of fitting it 'in situ'? The inner cable doesn't need removing does it?...(says he hopefully!!)

The MOT is due later this month & that is the main job to be done before being booked in...

Many thanks for any helpful comments, in advance...

The car is a late '64 1200 Herald...

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just recently I removed the wiper assembly on my 13/60 for cleaning. By unbolting the wiper the whole unit can be removed and the inner cable Comes out with it no Problem once the wiper arms are taken off.

I suppose it is the unit on the RHS that you wish to replace where the wiper arm spline protudes ? To remove and replace this you do Need to withdraw the inner cable which can then be re-greased at the same time.

Is that what you meant?

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Yes, Antonnick, I have already removed the inner cable - stupidly, I took the plate off the wiper motor & did some damage which I've bodged &, fortunately, the wiper motor appears to still work. I did it to try to rotate the gear teeth but that didn't work.....in fact, with both wiper blades off I can turn the driver's side wheelbox with finger & thumb - fairly conclusive proof that the teeth are well & truly jiggered. I've already soaked the inner cable in petrol & greased it...I was hoping that I could somehow fit the replacement wheelbox WITHOUT having to remove the inner cable from the bundy tube...  

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Removing the cable from the tube isn't a bad job IIRC - once the wiper motor mountings are loose it just comes away complete, likely to be a bit dirty but that's about all. In any case if the wheelbox is knackered the cable could do with a careful inspection as well, that may want replacing too.

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Last time I removed the inner cable I took the base plate off the motor unit & nearly jiggered it removing stuff so that I could release the cable......so the easiest way is to detach the wiper motor as a whole?......& there is definitely no way to fit the replacement wheelbox with the inner cable 'in situ'??

How do I know if the inner cable needs replacing?

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The way you've done it before sounds rather complex, if I may say so. Removing the motor assembly complete isn't too bad at all, in my experience at least - you simply wangle the motor out while pulling the cable out of the tube, after removing the wiper arms first of course.

As for the inner cable, it's made the same along its whole length - these were "universal" parts fitted to many different vehicles - so if you can see noticeably worn areas that correspond with the wheelbox positions, you'll have to make a judgement as to whether it's acceptable or not. Much the same systems are still available for fitting to kitcars so I guess the cables should still be available if you need one.

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remember to leave the cover lose on the motor, this will allow the switch contacts to be reset. I made the mistake to screw it all together. when I switch the wipers on they, tried to go pass the windscreen on to the bonnet. leave the wipers off and let them stop at the bottom of the screen.
if they do not then adjust the contacts on the motor assembly.

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There's a tiny spring clip thing that might, when it was young, have slid out of the notch as you pulled on the arm, but probably won't these days. A small screwdriver can be used to encourage it away from the spindle while simultaneously applying some assistance in pushing the arm off.

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  • 1 year later...

Job was done with some fiddling & cursing - & some professional help towards the end when I was a bit fraught & knackered (I did it down at my pal's unit, for moral support & company, primarily - but I was pleased that I managed the lion's share....including bodging the bit in the wiper motor that is still working to this day. I was able to use the existing cable,  it was the teeth on the wheelbox that were shot! Checked the lights, put her in for the MOT & she passed first time up (for the first time in nigh-on 10yrs! She'd been off the road from Dec.22nd 2017 to April 2018 (sat outside as usual! What an amazing little car!)

After the expense of getting the starting sorted, I haven't put her in for an MOT this year....




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