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Possibly a stupid question as I haven't actually seen the part in the flesh but can anybody let me know how a GT6 radiator cowl attaches to the radiator?

I've practically completed the 'ole Spit6 conversion and want to fit a cowl to help with the cooling but can't immediately envisage how this attaches.

I'm sure all will become obvious once I actually get round to ordering one and seeing it for real but I'm an impatient sod...

If anyone can explain or send some pics that would be great :)

Cheers muchly!

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I've just completed a six conversion too, and I have a GT6 rad, and I bought this.

It has three holes down each side, which look as if they should match three holes on the radiator. Except they don't, 'cos there aren't any on my radiator. :-/
I also pronounce it a useless piece of rubbish cardboard, and forbid you to buy one. It's tat!

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smithy wrote:
It has three holes down each side, which look as if they should match three holes on the radiator. Except they don't, 'cos there aren't any on my radiator.

Ah, you see this is what confused me too. The parts diagram on Canley's site seems to show some little clips with it. Do these clip to the little lip on the rad frame and then this screws to the clips?

If this is indeed useless tat then I might well go down the murky fabrication route - I have enough tat already... ;)

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I fitted a new cardboard one to mine last year, it did lower the running temp of the car to start with as it was channeling more air through the radiator. However they dont last long and go all soggy and start to blank off the radiator.

I replaced it with one of these (no connection) aluminium radiator cowls.


Here is a pic of it fitted to my GT6 MKIII

Can't speak highly enough of the fit and quality of the shroud and it has dropped the temp gauge from the mid position to about 1/3 on the gauge. Maybe it's too good :-/

Anyway I reckon it's one of the best mods on the car 8)

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Ah-ha, I lack some form of "clip" do I? That may explain it, yes, I believe you're right.
In all honesty fabrication would be a much better idea, as would folding up something from the delivery end of Tesco and using that. (dizzy)
Who was it posted their GT6 t'other day with a smashing full shroud on? Twas the business. Our American pal I seem to recall, whose door gaps I promptly insulted. (Shame!)  :B

*Edit* Here, that looks more business like. And does it screw on to some clips, and do ya get clips?

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tiggrr1 wrote:
I replaced it with one of these (no connection) aluminium radiator cowls.

Ahh, see that was my other option. How do these attach? Or is that a stupid question? It never seems obvious from the pics that I have seen...

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I just bolted it to the side of the radiator where the valance boards also fit.

There must be a long bracket screwed to the side of the radiator that they fit too :-/

Give me a few minutes to get my camera and pop into the garage, I'll try and get some decent pics.

the last one was off my mobile phone.

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tiggrr1 wrote:
I just bolted it to the side of the radiator where the valance boards also fit.
There must be a long bracket screwed to the side of the radiator that they fit too :-/
Give me a few minutes to get my camera and pop into the garage, I'll try and get some decent pics.
the last one was off my mobile phone.

Good yer man Steve.
I've been wondering how valance boards are supposed to fit, too, although of course none are likely to fit my motor, since it's not the right motor, if you follow me. Here - have you seen that the same bloke on Ebay also sells shrouds in stainless steel, for a LARGE price? Hmm.

*Edit* messaging with him now, and he says four bolts will do it. (I know I can and will understand this!)

Sorry Llessur, I seem to be piddling all over your thread! :B

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smithy wrote:
Sorry Llessur, I seem to be piddling all over your thread! :B

Hey no probs at all - it's all useful info for me too!

Plus, I'd much rather you piddled all over my thread than piddled all over my head. An easy mistake to make...  :o

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Ah that refreshed my memory a bit.
It would seem that the bottom of the shroud is fitted to the radiator/chassis bracket.
There should be 2 fixings at that point, the one I have in is the bottom one and if you look just above there is a washer where a much smaller bolt should be (oops forgot to refit that one :P )

So the base of the shroud should be securley held by 4 nuts and bolts on the radiator chassis brackets and the top fitting seems to just rely on the stiffness of the valances and the radiator shroud. I don't know if there is meant to be a bracket at the top of the radiator but it all seems very stiff and secure.

I'm sure someone else who knows for sure will be along soon ;)

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That's excellent Steve, ta. I shall now go and look at my radiator and scratch my head. I also realise I've put the overflow bottle in the wrong place (and I thought I was being so clever using one of the rad mounting bolts to snare it with. Rats).
I'm about to PM you Llessur. Mind your head!  :)

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1103 wrote:
Richard, Ive a feeling the valance boards pictured are the aluminium type previously sold by the TSSC ,can't be 100% but they just don't  look to have the stainless shine.
Tony :-/

Ah ha Tony, that's a very fine spot Sir, and you're probably right. I thought it was a US car, but that's a tooled finish cotswold stone wall. Ha!

Marcus, I recognise that engine colour too don't I?  ;)

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smithy wrote:
I've just completed a six conversion too, and I have a GT6 rad, and I bought this.

It has three holes down each side, which look as if they should match three holes on the radiator. Except they don't, 'cos there aren't any on my radiator. :-/
I also pronounce it a useless piece of rubbish cardboard, and forbid you to buy one. It's tat!

Hi Smithy
if you send me the card cowl so i can use it as a template  i will make you one in aluminum.  I own an aluminum fabricators so can make just about anything in ali.  Same goes to to all others that may want one.  
All the best

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339 wrote:

if you send me the card cowl so i can use it as a template  i will make you one in aluminum.  I own an aluminum fabricators so can make just about anything in ali.  Same goes to to all others that may want one.  
All the best

Tim - a splendid offer thanks, but I've splashed out and bought one already, like Steves. I'm impulsive, me!
Marcus - that's instantly recognisable as Johnstones Post Office Red.  ;)

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796 wrote:
Well done m,ladd,
no need to buy ..ingen pent.. when this stuff will dee

:) :) The post office reference was very memorable mate, so I remembered it!
Re: paint, I concur and I'm also a fan of trade spray myself. Works for any and everything and is cheap as chips.

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