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Removing Seats in 1500


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Sorry if this has been discussed before but couldn't immediately spot anything.

I need to remove the seats in my 1500 prior to replacing the seat squab/back foam which is crumbling and becoming a mess and would appreciate tips advice.

For instance do I need to remove the seat rail bars that anchor the seat to the floor pan or is there a way to simply undo the hinging mechanism leaving the rails in place.

Then once I've detached the seats what problems am I likely to encounter in taking off the fabric to get at the foam and might the webbing need replacing?

Finally any suggestions for sourcing the seat foam pads. I've seen some on ebay @£185 for the 4 foam pads plus 2 base boards, and also at the usual suppliers (Park Lane Classics & others for similar pricing).

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Does the seat tip forward like the GT6? I undid the swivel bolts and got them out that way. Although, I did have trouble with the head rest fouling the windscreen and not allowing enough access under the chairs. Head rest had to come off, tricky as there's a sprung nipple holding it in. Buggered up an old feeler gauge doing it. But maybe you don't have a separate head rest!  :)

Got my innards from Park Lane £160, I think. Very good quality but I had to wait for him to make them, only a week. I put my covers through the washing machine, now clean but a bit tatty, might replace them with the Park Lane leather covers when I've got the cash. To put the covers back on put a bin liner over the innards and wriggle the cover on and pull the liner out afterwards.

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I've just done this on the drivers side of my 1500.
In my opinion the easier option is to slide the seat right back and the un-do the 2 "hinge" bolts under the front of the seat. If you can get to the "clamps" at the front of the seat base and hinge them upward you should be able to wriggle the seat base out to give you more access.
I did it the "hard" way, seat full forward, hinged up - 2 rear seat runner bolts out, seat full back, remove front 2. I won't be doing it that way when I do the passenger side.

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The seat squab (the bit you sit on) comes of very easilly by releasing a couple of tabs under the front and pulling it forward and off.

This exposes the front two swivel bolts alowing swift removal of the frame leaving the rails in the car.

I made replacement bolsters from big lumps of foam and a carving knife and got new covers from park lane.

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Thanks to all for the various suggestions.
A supplementary Q. In reality how complex is it to strip everything down and rebuild the seats and are any special tools needed? There's mention of a riveter and stapler.

I've looked at the step by step process (33 in all!) on the Newton Commercial site and it all looks rather a hassle with talk of needing new hardboard fillets, and inserting the 'tensioner flaps' (what are they?) through slots in the foam.

Usual TIA.

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Check out Owens web site.

Foams are less that £160.00 at the moment.  Instead of the original hog rings PL uses nylon ties - simples.



These are PL covers and foams done Dec' 2012


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