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rear spring problem

Neil MAC

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Can any one help?

I am replacing the rear spring on my Mk3 Spitfire from a 7leaf to a swing spring.
I have removed the old spring taking out the six studs however there is a seventh stud in the middle that runs through the old spring that will not come out of the diff. Its turning but won`t come out and it does not appear to have any thread on it so I don`t know what is holding it to the diff.

Any suggestions as I can`t fit the new spring with it there.


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Thanks guys it was part of the original spring which eventually came out with a bit of persuasion,
Just didn`t want to force it until I knew what it was.
However on the swing spring should the lug under the1 spring sit completely in the hole on the top of the diff?
At the moment it is sitting proud.


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New spring and roll bar fitted however I now have a slight positive camber on the rear wheels.
I`m going to run the car to see if it settles, which I hope it does.

However how much do the lowering blocks alter the camber if I find I need to fit one?



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Different motor, but, I fitted new spring on late mk3 GT6 and a 1/2 inch spacer/lowering block - when first hit the tarmac it had some pos camber to the rear, so loaded it up with 4x 20kg cement bags for about 6 months. I am now at 40kg 1 year and 2500 miles later and it still has not settled that much. The wheels are pretty much dead vertical with the 40kg in it.

Certainly handles better with the weight in it.

I am looking to fit some driveshaft spacers - maybe starting at 6mm / 1/4 inch to get me some neg camber.

In direct answer to your question: I dont think my 1/2 inch spacer made much difference in terms of camber.

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due to work I`ve not had a chance to try it with people in, hopefully tomorrow I will be able to take it for a run and see if a bit of a load has the desired effect.
I will also try to work out the degree of camber to see what you think.

I will post with the results.


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Cheers Pete I will give that a check when I can.

I took the car out with a passenger and some extra ballast in the boot (rockery now looking less rocky) the back seems to have settled as a result. I think it needs a few more miles. Car definitely feels better but I haven`t pushed it yet.

I am thinking for the meantime I will run it and see how it goes before putting a spacer in. Hoping to take it to Europe in July so it will be loaded up then anyway (spare parts).

Like Stevegt6 the wheels are virtually vertical with the weight in the boot, with two passengers in as well it has a slight negative camber. This is just by sight looking at the car from the back. Not an exact science, but on the principal that if it at least looks right then I should be on the right track.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Since my post earlier, mine has settled quite a bit - still got the 40kg in but has quite what I would call 'normal' neg camber for these... Will have to check all the nuts n bolts again I think...

Neil, Seems that it takes quite a few miles to bed-in a new spring...

So, what do you Race boys do to achieve / alter the rear camber...?

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