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Oil Pressure problems


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Ok so last week Matt Helm and I were using my car at the Csma Auto solo. At the end of the day the oil pressure had dropped to 30 psi at 3000 rpm and dropped to between 5 and 10 psi at idle.

I thought that this was just due to the abuse that Matt and I had been giving the car all day. When I arrived home I left the car to cool down till the next evening. When I started the car the next day the oil pressure was back to normal at about 65-70psi. I took the car for a drive about 8 mile and when the engine got back up to normal temp the oil pressure dropped off again.

Anyone have any ideas what could be causing this

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Might get away with shells if you don't leave it too long - suspect you may have surge/starvation problems during the autosolo?

Mind you, I'm a bit surprised you get as much as 5 - 10psi at idle if it can only manage 30psi at 3000rpm - might be worth a look at the relief valve before doing anything drastic?


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That's about what happens to my engines before the pressure drops off completely. I can now get the oil light to stay on after four miles, so you may want to drop the sump and check it out if you like the engine. ;) You'll probably get away with new shells without a regrind, I'd imagine.

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I totally agree with Nick. If the car is not making sinister death rattle noises I would first suspect the pressure relief valve. I have had exactly the same problem you describe twice over 40 years on my 4A and on both occasions it was caused by debris holding the ball of the relief valve off its seating. When you start from cold the high initial pressure from the thick oil can blow the crap out allowing the ball to seat correctly. I assume the set up is similar to that on the TR engine. Note the position of the lock nut on the threaded portion of the valve, this gives the correct setting which should be retained when you replace the valve.  Just remove the relief valve assembly complete from the head of the oil filter, strip it and clean out thoroughly with a lint free cloth. Replace the sealing O ring, preferably with one in Viton, which is highly oil resistant. On my car the debris that caused the loss of pressure came both times from a degraded O ring seal. Hope this solves the problem--let us know how you get on.


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Jimmmy0_0 wrote:
last week Matt Helm and I were using my car at the Csma Auto solo.

You let Matt drive your car on an autosolo? Whew, brave man, lol    :)

As it's easy, give the relief valve a try but I wouldn't hold my breath. Sounds like worn bearings allowing too much oil to escape. You may want to try a different oil pressure gauge and or switch to see if your results change as they do vary, however as you noticed a significant deterioiation from "before" to "after" with the instrumentation you have got, it seems pretty conclusive to me that the autosolo has buggered things up :-/

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I do have to say that I am going to blame Matt even if it wasn't him as he did beat me. I guess I could blame him for the alternator bolt snapping on the way home to, ;D

I will check the prv valve first. I have spare sets of shells, and a spare oil pump.

So its going to be a couple of late evenings as the car is entered this weekend.

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Jimmmy0_0 wrote:
I do have to say that I am going to blame Matt even if it wasn't him as he did beat me. I guess I could blame him for the alternator bolt snapping on the way home to, ;D

I will check the prv valve first. I have spare sets of shells, and a spare oil pump.

So its going to be a couple of late evenings as the car is entered this weekend.

matt sharing again?use thicker oil and slightly over fill(oil surge) regards michael

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Jimmmy0_0 wrote:
Ok so last week Matt Helm and I were using my car at the Csma Auto solo. At the end of the day the oil pressure had dropped to 30 psi at 3000 rpm and dropped to between 5 and 10 psi at idle.

I thought that this was just due to the abuse that Matt and I had been giving the car all day. When I arrived home I left the car to cool down till the next evening. When I started the car the next day the oil pressure was back to normal at about 65-70psi. I took the car for a drive about 8 mile and when the engine got back up to normal temp the oil pressure dropped off again.

Anyone have any ideas what could be causing this

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