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How often do you change oil?


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Or more importantly how often is it that you need to change oil?

I ask because after my engine rebuild in the winter I ran some cheap 20W/50 for the first 500 miles, at which point changed oil and filter (Comma 20W50). I've now completed around 2,600 miles and after checking am just above the low mark on the dipstick so have changed the oil again. Seems like an awefully high oil consumption for a heavy weight oil, especially when there isn't any sign of leaks, everything is bone dry and cleanly painted still.


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Is that a pint of oil? if so not really excessive. My Toledo engine managed about 100 miles/pt at one point!
I would change the oil every 3000-5000 miles or annually, whichever comes first.

Come to think of it, modern cars often have "acceptable oil usage" (according to the manufacturor) of about 1000 miles/litre.

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alott depends on how its driven,
lots of short  trips, will need more  changes,

too much stick will mean  more changes.

that oil use seems about normal,  some use more than others. look at some original road tests, they said 500 miles per pint. on some .
the more you blast it,the more will be used too.

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Might still improve bit - possible rings are not quite fully seated after just 2,600 miles - depends on the hone and type of rings used.  Modern VAG stuff can take up to 10-15K before they stop using oil.  Our works VWTransporter was drinking oil like a rabbit hole for the the first 5k - they swore it would improve and it did.  Now done 120k and uses no oil.

I've found the Comma 20/50 to be one of the better ones for consumption and a pint in 2000 miles isn't too bad.  I reckon to changethe oil once a year or every 5K in the Vitesse - even though it basically changes it itself these days!


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I can only dream of using a pint every 2000 miles.............

I'd be very happy with that.

How often to change your oil?
As Mr Tinkerous all depends on how you use it?

If you garage it for the winter months just change it at the start of the Sunny Season and then depending on milage and use say after 3 or 4000 miles.

I'm pretty sure your workshop manual will suggest something like 12 months or 6000 miles, whichever occurs soonest.

Of course if you use a synthetic oil that all changes again  :X

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No argument with the above, except....

Change the oil before the winter lay-up.
Old oil contains acid and other nastys.  Modern oils have additives to protect the engine from them, but why not throw it all away and put the car to sleep with nice clean oil?    AND, gives you the chance for 'just one more run' to flush it through the engine before it goes to bed!


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JohnD wrote:
No argument with the above, except....

Change the oil before the winter lay-up.
Old oil contains acid and other nastys.  Modern oils have additives to protect the engine from them, but why not throw it all away and put the car to sleep with nice clean oil?    AND, gives you the chance for 'just one more run' to flush it through the engine before it goes to bed!


Thinking about it that does make a lot more sense.

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Top up as needed.
I follow the routine of change oil every 3 months or 3,000 miles, whichever comes first.
It may be more frequent than necessary, but I'm not about to find out what happens when you stretch the interval far enough for proof.

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When I was racing, oil change miles didn't come in to it. In my 1962, [new at the time] Morgan +4, [tr3a engine], I used to have to change the big end slippers every 150 miles, or less.

Fortunately, oils aren't what they used to be

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