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Rotoflex Leafspring Rebuild


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My rotoflex Leafspring has been stripped apart

It's been cleaned and painted and has new buttons and bushes fitted to it

But, now I need some fasteners/fixings for it.....

The bolt that goes from the bottom to the top of the leaves and sandwiches them all together has a round head as standard, but I don't have the original bolt to refit

A regular bolt has too big of a head to fit in the mounting hole in the diff

So, does anyone know where I can get one of the round headed bolts, or should I just grind a regular bolt head down to a round shape?

Also, there are two bolts that go through some brackets to also hold the leaves together
I can fit regular bolts here, but the bolts fit inside sleeves, and I don't have the sleeves now

So, I also need suggestions for replacing the sleeves

I've spoken to my local fastener suppliers and they don't have anything suitable

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Quoted from markcro
I am thinking of replacing the tired spring on my GT6 next year. Maybe a silly question, but why not just buy a new one? Is rebuilding the original better or just cheaper? Are the news ones bad quality?

I think I have an old rotoflex spring and if it would help I could let you have the fasteners from that.

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Quoted from markcro
I am thinking of replacing the tired spring on my GT6 next year. Maybe a silly question, but why not just buy a new one? Is rebuilding the original better or just cheaper? Are the news ones bad quality?

There's nothing wrong with the replacement springs at all

My spring wasn't worn I just wanted to replace the buttons with new ones and have the individual leaves powdercoated so they slide a little better

I didn't want to replace an original item just for the sake of it, so I rebuilt it

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Quoted from GT6 M
As far as I no, the Roto spring no has tubes under neath it,
wid a bolt goijng thru it, this is a swinger  set up.

Roto,s are hammered owa to clamp it all to one


On a Rotoflex Spring the outer Leaf Clamps are like Marcus states simply thick steel U shaped Clamps peened over the Leaves.

Its the Inner ones that have the Bolt run inside a Sleeve that clamp a slightly thinner U shaped clamp holding the Leaves together, I took one of the clamp bolts into B&Q and got a short length of steel tube the correct inside diameter and then cut it to the right length, it was only a couple of pounds or so.


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