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Front wheel bearings


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How do you tighten up front wheel bearing, I've taken wheel off, and there seems to be a metal cap in centre of wheel, does this come off, I know  on landrovers it comes off for access, but is it the same on spitfires, I've carefully tried to prise it off with no success, but is it meant too.

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If all it needs is tightening, you can leave the caliper in place. Just prise off the cap, pull the split pin, tweak the nut a bit and reassemble.

If you need to replace the bearings, then yes, as VR says, you need to drift out the races. I dug out an old one the other day and cleaned it up (for a Freecycler - complicated reasons but he wanted scrap bits of cars) and the only bit that's not serviceable is that outer race.

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There must be end float on these front hubs  spec is 0..002" to 0.008"
This equates to a light hand nip of the castle nut then undo 1 to 2 flats  refit new pin
this will give about 1  to3 mm rock at the trye,  0.008 will give around 6mm rock thats all correct

0.008 may give brake pad push back so stick to the lower end of the spec.

do it tight with nonfloat and younwill quickly seize and weld the outer race to the stub axle
and face ££££of repair

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Sometimes if the MOT tester is pinickety he'll fail or advise that there is too much play even when it's set up correctly especially if its a place that is used to modern cars with no play. If this is the case, on theday of your MOT, set it up with no play, get your MOT and then slacken it off to the correct setting as advised by Pete when you get home!

I always take my classics to an MOT station that is Classic freindly where they understand it should have some play so there are no issues but have experienced problems at a normal nmodern MOT place. In fact once at one such place the MOT tester asked me where the bonnet release was as he couldn't find it under the dash or in the footwell!!

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At a branch of a well-known major tyre/exhaust/MOT chain...
MOT tester : This handbrake doesn't work.
Us : It's a fly-off type. Press the button.
MOT tester : You're not allowed them on road cars.
Us : Yes, you are, and this one left the factory like that.
MOT tester : No, you're not.
Us : Why don't you check the tester's manual. It should say.
MOT tester (after flipping through some paperwork) : I need to ring the DVLA, but they don't work weekends
Us : OK, we'll take it elsewhere.

Later, at a small garage...
Other MOT tester : He said what? What an idiot! Has he never been trained? Of course you're allowed original equipment!

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Agree with Andy that's EXACTLY what I do. Tighten them up before the MOT slacken them off after. Had it fail once, despite being in spec, in the circumstances described!

I have no problem prising the cap off, screwdriver under the lip and twist, then the other side.

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