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Prep for the RBRR's going reasonably well. It's being reliable, chirpy and enjoyable to drive. However, this afternoon, after two weeks away I got a very long text from my co-driver... suffice to say he can no longer do the event, his work, having known since June, now won't give him the three days off... The language he used in the text is unrepeatable! :P

So, this leaves me with two problems. First off, no co-driver. "No biggy", my mate Dan's into old cars (his dad has a Stag and deals in new cars) and he was determined to be the spare co-driver when Aidan and I booked. Secondly, insurance. The way I see it, limited to 1500 miles, if I do half, the max I'll do is 1000 miles, and Dan/Aidan/whoever will do another 1000 on their insurance. However, I doubt FJ will see it like this. I'm ringing them tomorrow, but before I do is there any advice from the club/an official with "contacts" as it were? (The insurance was arranged via the TSSC, but I'm loathe to ring them up for help with a CT event, I imagine they'd be a bit put down!).

Seriously considering throwing in the towel and Aidan and I competing in the 10CR next year.

Cheers, Aaron

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why would you ring the TSSC - they are a car club (with an interest?)  not an insurance provider or broker.

if you have not already done so, talk to the broker direct.

I don't hold too much hope though, the milage limitation is on the car not the driver.  As others have said, should be no bother to pay more and extend the limit.  If you have problems, then ditch em on renewal and tell em why.

see my pm for another suggestion   :)

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Hi Mikey

The only reason I suggested Aaron ring the TSSC is that he has been active on their forum in respect of his insurance renewal as a young driver (19 years I think) and has had some good advice over there from the Insurance panel members in the past. I believe his policy is with one of the recommended TSSC insurers for young drivers (unless he changed on renewal).  However I agree that the first phone call should always be to the broker, but if necessary use the club to intervene if necessary, it should not matter that the event is a CT one.

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Back to insurance, don't tell them you're doing an event. Why you need more miles isn't for them to know. IF they insist however, tell them a family member/girlfriend/occasional lover has moved and you've got to travel further. Play on their heart strings - not that they have many.

As for the RBRR, stick your head out and see if there's a seat around. It'll be hard becasue of your age and some may struggle to get you on their insurance as well. Also, most won't want someone they don't know in their car, but there may be a seat for you, somewhere. I'd offer, but I'm doing it three-up in someone else's car.

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aarOsc,  Sorry to see you drop'd out.  The RBRR is much fun.   Shame the way insurance works over their.  Here it would be no problem.   In 2010 I was able to get Ferny on my insurance even though he was under the age my company accepts.  However my company knew of the event and who Peter was.  They made a weekend only exception and I could add him to the team.   You might try talking to your company as most know of the RBRR.   Of course you don't tell them they will most likely not know and if nothing goes wrong then all is well.   Since I am not running I would make you a offer (I would hate to see anyone drop out due to lack of a Co-Driver) but their is no way I could add you to my insurance, or me to yours)   I know some will differ but I think at least for the first time a crew of three is better.   Hope you find a ride.   The real shame here is that we need more young people so the club and the events live on.  

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