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Team, erm, well we haven't come up with a suitably witty name yet, watch this space, will be putting our 2014 RBRR entry in Monday's post. :)

We'll be a team of three, doing the run in a 1980 Dolly 1850:

- Adam, owner of the car (& CT member), brings to the team a large portion of bloody mindedness, an uncanny ability to work out where he needs to be going that's only sightly spoilt by his complete inability to tell left from right, and an equally useful ability to remember how to put things back together again once he's taken them apart, which he tends to do when bored. Oh, and he's the only one of us that currently owns a Triumph, which is quite useful.

- Adrian brings another large portion of bloody mindedness, previous RBRR experience (2012, co- driving a Stag), and rather more years experience of Triumph tinkering than myself & Adam, having built and owned a GT6ificated Spitfire (or possibly vice versa, it had a floppy roof and 6 cylinders anyway) for a long time. His 2nd "car" is a WW2 Diamond T 980 tank transporter, so 48hrs in a Dolly should seem like luxury.

- Myself, I bring a selection of silly hats and a somewhat twisted sense of humour- I drive a Morris Marina... I've a very limited experience of the RBRR, as I trundled down to Gordano in my (then) very orange Scimitar to cheer Adrian & the rest of you on and distribute cookies!  

The car has been under restoration for the last year or so- it was a very solid shell (and the car has lots of history), and was bought with 6000 miles on a recon (Rimmer Bros. I believe) engine. At the moment it's a bare, freshly painted shell but the axle, prop, subframe and suspension have all been gone through and are back on the car & the engine and box are ready to go back in, just a few bits and pieces to nail back on first. Hoping to have it back on the road fairly soon after Christmas (there's very little that's not been taken off, cleaned and painted/ refettled now, the end must be in sight soon...) to get some miles on it before October.

Hope to catch up with some of you soon, at the Driver's Meeting if not before. We're based in Stonehouse, Gloucestershire by the way.

All the best,


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Tell me about it Tim! It was only supposed to be off the road for a fortnight while we stripped off the old underseal ("Cadulac"- Ad's got the receipt for it from when it was new- it definitely saved the car, the few bits where it wasn't applied properly are the few places it's rusted), had the few bits of MOT welding done and slapped some new underseal on! That was 18 months ago...

Virtually every removeable component has been off the car (I think the only exception is the steering column) and nearly everything that's been taken off has been refurbished, all the running gear is now done, but we need to get the engine & box back in which is pencilled in for the Christmas break. I need to paint the top side of the floors (having spent yesterday stripping the bitumen out- luckily they look every bit as good from above as they did from underneath!) and then we can get the interior back in too- then it's just trim bits, which I'm taking home to clean & paint as appropriate for Adam to nail back on in the evenings.  

I'm confident we can get it done in time. If we don't, well I'll just have to use it as an excuse to buy my own Triumph :X  

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8629 wrote:

Virtually every removeable component has been off the car (I think the only exception is the steering column)    

If there is a bush where the column goes through the bulkhead on a Dolomite, take the column out and fit a new one.

There is on the 2000's and they tend to break up into small bits and drop round your feet on the drive to the MOT.

"your column seems a bit, how shall I say, loose, not ideal for passing an MOT, is it...."

Twice now!, Learnt that lesson!

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1526 wrote:
Stonehouse - not that far away from us as the crow flies ........ just the bl**dy river in the way!

I taught at Maidenhill School for 19 years until 1990!


I can see Maidenhill from my house! Walk past it on my way to work :)

Someone (or several someones) who works in the factory a few units round from where I do on the edge of the town has a small fleet of Triumphs- a rather lovely blue Dolly Sprint, a GT6 and a TR, erm, probably 4. Don't know if they are on here- assume they all belong to the same person as I've never seen more than one in the car park at once!

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As soon as Christmas is over, start sticking a fiver or tenner away in a biscuit tin (Or similar) each week.

Then come October you already have your petrol money for the run. It's a big hit in one weekend otherwise.  :)

We did about £500 in my 2.6 saloon last year.

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Hopefully we won't use quite that much, but we'd reckoned on it being somewhere around that anyway which should give us a little bit of headroom.  

Mind you, with the lorry doing somewhere in the region of 4mpg fuel consumption is usually measured in inches of dipstick 'cos that makes it slightly less painful... admittedly, that usually does rather less than 2000 miles in a weekend. In fact it's not managed 200 in a year yet.

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Good Luck Brian ... You have a good car for the event in the 1850 Dolly, you should budget about the the figure that Steve suggests between your crew for fuel unless your car will run on scotch pies! The other alternative is to eat them ....

Darren ( former Marina owner x 2, Six times RBRR entrant and totally addicted !)

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  • 5 months later...

Blimey... November we started this... where did that go?

Anyway- bit of a progress update, Adam decided to buy a house (as you do) ao that provided a bit of a distraction for a couple of months, he still hasn't finished redecorating the garage but since he's putting more effort into that than the rest of the house put together that's hardly surprising. But we're back on the car now, it's got such luxuries as doors that both open and close, windows that do the same, the new headlining is in and there's talk that we may see carpet tomorrow, and if all goes to plan brakes, clutch and coolant. The carbs are in bits in Adrian's garage, but you can't have everything going to plan now can you.

Still confident we'll have it all together in enough time to get a few good test runs in before October. The other option will be to stick Triumph badges to one of my Marinas, but I think someone might notice...

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