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Master cylinder rebuild


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Hhi all, its been a while since I posted on here. Hope everyone is doing ok. This is a dumb question I know but how do you remove the old seals from the master cylinders? I've taken the push rod out but cant get at the seals or push rod seat. This is. My first time doing this and im sure its simple. Any help as always, greatfully recieved. Paul

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Remove the circlip holding the piston in, and then gently tap the master cylinder against a piece of wood. The piston should then slowly come out to a point that you can then pull it out by hand, giving you access to the seals that you require to change. Hopefully if the bore is clean the piston should come out easily, it did when I did the clutch master cylinder.

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I think that is the piston you are seeing Paul.

Try tapping the open end of the cylinder with a piece of wood or on a piece of wood.
If no luck then you could try some fine wet and dry on a finger to clean the bore a bit as the gunk on it could be preventing the piston from slipping out.

Boiling the whole unit in water with a bit of detergent also worth a try and doing the tapping trick again whilst still hot as the aluminium expands more than the steel piston.

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I have never known one to come out with just a gentle tap.
You usually need all the inertia you can muster to get that thing out.
Remove the circlip.  Put a piece of 2x4 lumber down on solid ground (like concrete or ashpalt).
Firmly grasp the outside of the cylinder with long-handled pliers like these:

Draw the arm back, & with a long, tennis-like swing with lots of follow-through, strike the
open end of the cylinder on the piece of 2x4.


Do it again!  Long swing, not necessarily hard or even fast, but with that all-important follow-through!  Don't slow down as the cylinder nears the 2x4.  Form is important in this one!


Continue as needed.
This is one of those fraternity-defining repair procedures.

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