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Differential: rubber washer


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I must say I've never seen these washers in place.  Neither of my cars had them in place when i disassembled them.  I believe the fitment is so tight that I couldn't get a washer in there anyway.  I too would make them up.  

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billspit wrote:
I must say I've never seen these washers in place.  Neither of my cars had them in place when i disassembled them.  I believe the fitment is so tight that I couldn't get a washer in there anyway.  I too would make them up.  

hello Billspit,
you do not feel noises (example: a small hole) from the rear suspension at low speeds? (up to 40 to 50 km / h) >:(.
Over 40 km / h (approx.), torque does not permit travel to differential. end noise!

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Sorry TD Fitchett are 'old world', two blokes in brown storeroom overalls and a phone (for those in the UK think Arkwright). No web/email access, you either have to phone or write.

I suspect that these parts are not available and not really required. You could try some rubbers as used between the bumpers & paintwork?

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Hello Fenry and Rotoflex,
thank you very much your posts.
UJ already rebuild, I have already fitted circlips over size. they did not knock more (see link: http://www.triumphspitfire.eu/pagine%20sito/I%20primi%20interventi/Pagine%20Meccanica/pagine%20revisione%20meccaniche/Revisione%20semiassi%20sospensione/smontaggio.htm )
This noise is really an enigma!
I do not know where to look. :'(

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  • 6 months later...

the slightest play end float in the drive shaft UJ circlip and cup arrangement can knock/click at low speeds and certainly make one heck of a rumbly din at 60/70+   many disbelieve it can be the shaft uj but .....It will be....even the frequency will steer you to 'it must be prop'    nah  its the driveshaft with some undetected float,      and rarely is it the  the diff.. the cure  (unless you need a new shaft)   is oversize circlips and make sure they are fully located .    Pete

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Yes, yes, we know the problem UJ. But it was not my problem, Pete.
Well circlips over size, but also to use this method, works very well (Italian, but to see photo): http://www.triumphspitfire.eu/pagine%20sito/I%20primi%20interventi/Pagine%20Meccanica/pagine%20revisione%20meccaniche/Revisione%20semiassi%20sospensione/aggio1-2009.htm
Thanks, pete
ciao, ciao

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