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Clutch Problems


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Hi Guys,

Just got My Spitfire back on the road after a mild restoration.

After Passing is MOT I took it for a spin not to long 20 mins all working fantastically. then the next time I started it I had no Clutch at all....

I noticed the clutch fluid was pretty low so topped it up. Now for the interesting bit If I hold the clutch down with the engine running the pressure builds up and clutch works fine, so now when I am driving I have to pump the clutch once or twice before changing gear.

I have checked the fluid and it has gone down a little bit but not much.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts.

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Hi Guys,

Thanks for your replies,

Yes I checked for the spring, still there. It was what I was hoping it was, Alas.

I was thinking that it may be a leak so I will start looking into this. I have taken it for another half an hour and the fluid hasn't dropped at all so I think I will start by bleeding the system.


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Excellent, Thank you, I will look at this today and report back,

I have also developed a nice new ticking noise and a lack of power.... Joy.

I think I have figured out why both of these have happened though, I did initially think the worst.

The ticking I believe is coming from the water pump so I will take the belt of and see if that stops,

The lack of power I think is due to an emergency fuel hose change (the other one decided to snap and pump fuel all over my drive) I stupidly used an old hose that had been lying around and probably has years of crud in it and its blocked up the jets.....

Lets hope its this....

How I love this Car.... Hehe

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It turns out I am LUCKY, It is as I thought.... Blocked carb jests and squeaking water pump.. PHEW

So I have tried the below as suggested

Put a piece of paper under the area where the slave is...near starter
Then pump away then leave it .Go back and check if there is any fluid
Then check under the bulkhead below the master and check the carpet for fluid

No Fluid at all.

Could someone give me a bit more detail on checking the crank end float where exactly should I be looking?

The problem seems to have got better since the new fluid was put in, Now when I start I just have to hold the clutch down for a second or two with engine on and I have full pressure? if I dont have the engine running there is no pressure still?

Cheers for all the help I really appreciate it

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The engine running has no bearing on the clutch pressure...............unless you have a servo?
If not then it just means bleeding and bleeding till all the air is out
Crank end float ....get someone to put foot on clutch and you watch the crank pulley
If it moves considerably , forward, then the shims may be missing/worn
If not then that has no bearing on the clutch operation
When bleeding the clutch at the slave, ensure that the bleed nipple is at the top, with pipe outlet at bottom

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8650 wrote:
Now for the interesting bit If I hold the clutch down with the engine running the pressure builds up and clutch works fine, so now when I am driving I have to pump the clutch once or twice before changing gear.

You don’t by any chance have the servo on the wrong pedal? :)

Sorry… I’ll get me coat.  :B

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Hi Guys no definitely no servo.

Ok so I did this test as suggested.

Crank end float ....get someone to put foot on clutch and you watch the crank pulley
If it moves considerably , forward, then the shims may be missing/worn

I don't get any movement but I have noticed that when the engine is running I get a faint hissing noise when the clutch is pressed (while it begins to build up pressure) noticed this when having my helper pressing the clutch, Is this the thrust bearing and could it be causing my issues?, If so how long do I have and can I still drive it?

Thanks again for the help

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If you are losing fluid you have slave or master failure.take the slave off and check for dampness.i freely admit I've never had to do this on a spit as up till now I've only worked on Dolomites which a fairly easy to check.
In the past I've had arm bushes and clutch spring plates fail and I don't see how thrust bearings can lead to loss of fluid so in my opinion slave or master seal failure is where it's at

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