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Hi All

Last weekend and this I've been attempting to get my Mk2 vit started. The car is garaged and dry and last ran 6 weeks or so ago all being in order. Now turns over, having fully charge the battery etc. but just doesn't catch. I assume it is electrical? The battery voltage meter on the dash isn't showing any life if that is significant? Any thoughts welcome.


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It's a fair bit colder now than it was 6 weeks ago.  How old is the fuel?  Modern fuel goes off really quickly (loses the volatile components) and this particularly affects cold starting.  Encountered this on my mower last weekend having filled it with 6 month old fuel the previous time I used it (while it was warm).  Didn't even try to start.  Once I thought to tip a bit of fresh fuel in the carb it fired up immediately.


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This board doesn't have an FAQ, or a section for protocols on how to trouble shoot.  Perhaps there should be one.

Have you ever owned or used a "multimeter"?    It is a far more useful investment than that spiffy voltmeter on the dashboard, and costs a lot less.    Get one, now, less than £15, and comes with two probes that you can move about on the loom and components, unlike said useless voltmeter that only measures volts at the battery.   Use it to trace where you have and do not have volts, starting at the battery.

Despite that confusing dial, you will only even need two settings - Volts in the 20 range (ten o'clock), and "Continuity" (is the wire broken?), that symbol like a volume control -its a bleeper - at half past five.  THINK about the circuits, trace where the wires go and find where the break is between your fully charged battery (sure?) and the rest of the car.

More and more, I appreciate the view of the author of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.  The world is divided into two groups - people who use systems and those who understand them, and the second are more powerful.  You CAN join us in that second group, but it needs work and thinking.   Start on the car electrical system with a multimeter and one of the many guides on the 'Net on how to use it.


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Hi All,

Thanks for the replies everyone. Petrol is recent I'm afraid so shouldn't be stale, but will give some serious thought about checking the electrics. Although I'm prepared to have a go at walking the path to enlightenment (is there an ashram I can book into over Christmas!?) I'm definitely in the user of technology camp. Alternatively I might drop by the guy who looks after my car on the way to work tomorrow and pick his brains.

Will update on the outcome - I'm sure it's a trouble that has been shot before!



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The engine is turning over, so the battery is probably OK despite what the gauge says, so two basic checks to start with which only require an eyeball- have you got a spark? Take a plug out, rest it on the engine and leave it connected to its lead, turn the engine over and watch for a spark. Is fuel getting through? Remove the pipe from the carb side of the fuel pump,  put the end in a jar, and get a handy helper to turn the engine over, does fuel spurt out?

They're the two basic initial tests if the engines turning over at least, so do those and take it from there.

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Sounds like you've got an ignition problem but as stated a multi meter will tell you all. I bought a couple in Maplins 2 for 1 @£10.

I always think the old fuel thing is a red herring, sure fresh fuel is better but if it won't start there's something additionally wrong. When I didn't have the money to fix up my car it had the same fuel in the tank for around 15 years. It started no problem every couple of months, until the last time.  ;D Even then It wasn't the fuel that stopped it. Blown manifold gasket was the cause. But by the time I found it I had drained off the fuel and put it in the Peugeot, no problem. Lawn mowers, I grant you, are a different kettle of dobbins!

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Well checked plugs and there is a spark so good news there. Assume then it is fuel issue, haven't checked this yet as no help available and working in the gloom of the garage. But will check to see if petrol is flowing as suggested to the carbs next w/end now. May be some dirt in fuel line or something up with the pump. Cheers.


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A quick and dirty check is that "Startyabastard" spray.   Some of that in the air inlets, or the air filter, and if it then starts its a fuelling problem. See: http://www.halfords.com/motoring/engine-oils-fluids/fuel-oil-additives/bradex-easy-start-300ml

If it won't, it's electrical.

But ZatAoMM isn't about Zen or transcendental meditation, it's about having a way to deal with problems in bikes, cars or in life.   if you do, then your quality of riding, driving, or life, is so much better.    If you don't, then you feel increased frustration and anxiety.   I know this well, having just moved to Windows 8.    I was no expert on XP, but this pile of shit is so different, lacks so many things that made PC use easy, that I wish I had shelled out for a Mac!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Update. It turned out to be electronic ignition failure.  Changed to standard set up and now running very nicely. Also seemed to be a choke issue, just needs to be a 1/4 out from cold. Something to do with wear on part that mixes the air/fuel if I understand correctly - fully out causes a vacuum preventing fuel flow. Anyway just taken out for a 30 minute blast and all seems OK. No doubt there will be other niggles though! Thanks for the help.


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