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brake pads required


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I ordered some 1144 pads last night for my spitfire 1500.
I ordered mintex 1144 b533......was that right?

Anyway they emailed today to say call them which I did only to be told they didnt have any until a week friday.
So I thought I'll just order from someone else......buit nobody appears to have stock.

Anyone got any suggestions?
Maybe I should just use cheap pads?
At £45 inc p&p the wife wasnt happy so I dont want to spend more ideally as I just ordered an new electronic dizzy as well.....and am going to get a map light too.

Anyone know a cheap source for avanti map lights....or similar?


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I know it sounds a bit dumb - but do you have a local factors or unipart dealers that you could call? Even if they don't stock them, if their suppliers do they should have them in for you the next day.
My local factors managed to source a brake master cylinder rebuild kit for me on a next day basis (although it cost a hell of a lot more than the online Triumph specialists)

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I picked an avanti maplight up at stafford for a quid! Doesn't help you though. However, I have bought unbranded halogen ones from a local factor for a fiver, not bad, been using then for a few years now.

Now Questmead, how do you blag your way into them? appears very much trade only from their website :-/

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or here I think (check!!)

or here

Note that there are plenty of plain old MGB533 pads listed cheaper - you need to make sure you are getting the Mintex M1144 compound.


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michael_charlton wrote:
Alex 1155 are better and more readily available

Mike I've gone for these on recomendation.
To be honest they'd struggle to be worse than the green stuff currently fitted and by what I've heard are a vast improvement.
I dont intend to do track days or anything of the like so I'm sure these will suffice.

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1155 work at a hight temperature than the 1144 which is what you need when we go buzzing over the passes in Europe, but not so much here. 1144 will do you fine and it's what I'll be going back to eventually. I'm tempted by the 1155 they're a fair bit dearer, aren't they?

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1155 are a harder pad so will last longer and the compound works upto a higher temp before fade, ideal racers choice.

1144 or 1155 ? You will overheat both of them with constant hard braking at speed with solid discs, but do 'come back' quickly.... vented disks improve this prob.  

Both will do for excellent braking in general road usage, 1155 will last longer but needs a proper bedding in....a good 10cr or track day will do me thinks  ;)

On 1144's ...Ste's GT6 has done 2 10cr's (first one solid discs and overheated, then fitted vented discs for the second with no probs) , 2 Scottish Auto Ecosse's and many more hard miles/events and they are only 3/4 worn. On my spit the 1144 with 4 pots and vented discs are just bedded in at 2k miles...and they get some stick...!

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A spitfire is a light car.(even with me in it) i ran 1144 mintex on standard discs with no servo on many stage rallies and mountain events in europe with no problems of fade or cooked brakes. We did the 24 hours of Ypres FIA RAlly which had some flat out stages of over 25kms with no fading at all . I never tried 1155 because i never needed to .

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I would agree that the Spitfire would be happy on 1144's, as Alan says it is a light car, although I can see that the GT6's may well benefit from the 1155's, seeing as it has solid 6 cyl engine up front :) I can well imagine a lot more heat being generated there!

Obviously choice of pad is dependant on usage, so a racer will need the hotter pads, but they are much heavier on brakes than even a fast road user. They may well have changed how the designations work since I last looked into pads, but as I understand it the higher the last two numbers the hotter the pad will work at. As I understood it though, the higher pads also had reduced cold temp performance, as they are designed for a higher temp bracket.

Ahh, maybe still ok?? I have just found this page, which seems to suggest 1166's work while cold!


However the 1166 say they are suitable for 'sportscar' use, and with all the will in the world I cannot see the average spitfire fitting into this category. So maybe 1155 are worth a look?



P.S - and I seem to have written a post saying nothing at all!! Ah well, hope the link provides some use to someone anyway!

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thebrookster wrote:
I would agree that the Spitfire would be happy on 1144's, as Alan says it is a light car, although I can see that the GT6's may well benefit from the 1155's, seeing as it has solid 6 cyl engine up front :) I can well imagine a lot more heat being generated there!

Use 1155`s as the car is used mainly for speed/ endurance 10CR etc and in constant hot running situations
I agree on the use in GT6`s and they are in our GT as well............mind you there were some GT`s that didn`t get hot sat on the side of the road with the bonnet up.... ;)

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We did manage to fade 1144s on the Vitesse (well laden).  It wasn't in the Alps or on a track, but it was being pushed very hard.....  Even then they were still working, just taking a harder push, and quickly recovered.

I now use Ferodo DS2500 (flippin' expensive) which have survived Alps & Pyrenees in hot weather and even a very fast lap of the 'ring.  They were smoking at the end of that lap and the discs were blue..... but still working!

I have to say that for everyday use I prefer the M1144s as they have a bit more bite.


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