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Vitesse Bumpers - Advice required Please

Stu 1986

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Hello Chaps! :) Hope you're all well. I've obtained a set of Vitesse Chrome/Ally bumpers for my car but I need some advice. They are not concours, no where near. They are scratched, scuffed and the rear section even has holes where a towbar would go (This isn't a problem as I intend to fit a bar).

I am wondering if it is possible to get these items refinished or even chromed. Though I worry this may be an issue because of the scuffs etc. And while we're on the subject does anyone have any ball park prices on this type of a job?

Thanks! Stu  8)

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Stu, I also have an issue with the ally bumpers, if they are cleanish and without scratches they polish up canny, but they look grim if they are scratched.

I believe they are anodised, which is a process involving dipping them in some acid, possibly sulphuric, and passing an electrical current through the liquid. So they could be re-anodised after a good polishing session. But you would need to find a company that will do this. I suspect it may not be cheap.

I have found best results with the wadding type of Brasso. I thought it may have taken some of the surface anodising off and dull after a a while, but it's still pretty shiny.

I'm not sure whether you could chrome them, and again this could be costly. I'm getting two front overriders triple chromed at the moment and it's cost me £45 for both. I'm not an expert on it but I thought that was reasonable.

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I have had another poke around the internet and discovered there is a place near me that sounds like they can help me out. From what the site says they strip the pieces back to metal, get rid of the blemishes and then re do them in whatever finish I like, so I could have them re anodised or chromed from the sounds of it. I'll give them a call tomorrow and see what kind of prices they quote me. I'll only really need 5 of the 6 doing because one section is unmarked looking at them.

Thanks For the help so far!

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Hmm That is a shame as it looks like it has only recently been done. The dodge is of course the cost. The reason I went for these alloy bumpers is because a new set of Herald rubber ones is £150ish If the price of sorting these ones out is too much or close to that figure then it'll be a case of a big tube of peek and a lot of polishing. I will keep you informed on this one don't worry!  8)

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Don't waste time polishing the anodised surface, it's incredibly hard. Have the surface stripped, or do t yourself using sodium hydroxide, there's plenty of info online. Once the anodised surface is gone, the bare aluminium can be polished, before re-anodising.

While the anodising can be done at home, I don't recommend it. Acid fumes are a real issue, not just for health, but for causing corrosion in any metal pars in proximityy. The process really demands a dedicated workshop.


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I got mine re andoised at badger anodising in brimingham, £75 did a good job, they wanted to linish
them back to get rid of the scratches but i told them not to as i wanted to keep the defination on the ridges.

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I called this place near me today and he said he'd have to see them before he can quote me, so its a case of getting to him now. I'll have to wait until I get a chance in the week sometime as he is only open week days. Though what Mrchill says it looks promising, that is a fairly decent price I reckon. I'll keep you informed all! :)

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Hello Stu another option would be to get all holes and scratches filled and polished out then powder coat the bumpers. Modern glues can be usd to refit them and the finished item it gives the car a fresher cleaner look.


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  • 2 weeks later...

OK, I've visited the platers today, after the slight inconvenience of an elderly gentleman putting the entire left side of my car in, and it is good news. They can sort my bumpers for me :) However they aren't re anodising them, he is going to strip the finish off and polish them up, thus eliminating the scuffs and scratches. Upon completion of this I will then have to coat them in lacquer to seal them but the end result will be very good I'm told. And the cost of this? £80 Which I think isn't too bad considering.

The company is:
Aleo Plating LTD
138 Vauxhall Road,
L3 6EY

Tel: 0151 236 2578


They can do a variety of finishes though, so if you fancied your bumpers in anodised red or blue, they can do.

Will post pics when I get them all sorted.

S.  8)  

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I've had a busy week this week (Taking people to see Take That at City Of Manchester Stadium) but managed to get my Dad to collect the bumpers for me. I have to say I was left totally speechless with the end result. I am totally amazed, you wouldn't think they were the same units!

OK it was at this point I realised I neglected to take any before photos of them but they were scratched, scuffed, dented and scored all over. The rear centre section was even corroded where a towbar had been. But now, even though I've yet to lacquer them, they are flawless! The scratches are gone, the dents are gone and scuffs have gone. They look brand new almost!! There are one or two areas where he couldn't eliminate damage but these are by the rivet hold so that's ok. The shine is like a mirror! The towbar holes have been cleaned up and the corrosion removed as best but this is ok because I intend to have a towbar fitted at some point anyway.

I can't recommend this guy enough! He also tells me he can produce replica badges if that is of any use to anyone. Tell him where you heard of the company too! :)

Pictures will follow soon  8)

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  • 4 months later...

Not yet because around the same time I had these done I had a bad accident in my Daily Driver. I have been working pretty hard the last few months rebuilding it before Winter and the Herald and associated parts have had to reluctantly be placed on the back burner :( Soon though I'll be back onto the Herald and I'll take photos of the bumpers. :)

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