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Head gasket 1500


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My spit has started again two weeks ago after not started it for a year ..
All was fine, my uncle has come over to fiddle with the carb, he reved it also but only 3000 rpm so not that hard..
After two hours I started here again... All white smoke out of the exhaust! :-/ also seen when I remove my oil filler cap there is a very little bit of white stuff :-/ :-/

Kind regards

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4526 wrote:

My spit has started again two weeks ago after not started it for a year ..
All was fine, my uncle has come over to fiddle with the carb, he reved it also but only 3000 rpm so not that hard..
After two hours I started here again... All white smoke out of the exhaust! :-/ also seen when I remove my oil filler cap there is a very little bit of white stuff :-/ :-/

Kind regards

So is it a blown head gasket/failure ? :-/ :o

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A few things to check first. Is there oil in the water or water in the oil. Can you see bubbles in the top of the radiator with the engine at normal operating temperature.
When was the last time the oil was changed as if it's old then moisture will cause gunge on the filler cap.
How was it running a year ago.
How was it before your uncle messed with the carbs
Is it possible to do a compression test. (cold)

Check other threads on blown head gaskets ...may get more/better advice from them

Good luck

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If I'm honest Wim I'd just wait until you've got the car ready for the road, then take it for a spin and see if there's a problem. My new engine smoked like a good 'un for about an hour after it'd been started, whilst I slowly nudged it up down and down quiet backroads to check it was all okay. Then I changed all the fluids, and played with the carbs and the dizzy - ran nicely. Still does, in fact! Although on a cold morning I'll get a good blast of white out the back:


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On saturday the temp gaughe showed just on the last stripe before hot...
Yesterday I removed the thermostat everything was alright then.
I know it's getting not enough fuel.. So maybe that.
Maybe it is condensation... But it ran now for maybe 8 times now and only when it is cold it smokes a little.
But yesterday it was a lot more!
I will start her tonight when im back from my work so...
I also try to film it :)

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3122 wrote:
If I'm honest Wim I'd just wait until you've got the car ready for the road, then take it for a spin and see if there's a problem. My new engine smoked like a good 'un for about an hour after it'd been started, whilst I slowly nudged it up down and down quiet backroads to check it was all okay. Then I changed all the fluids, and played with the carbs and the dizzy - ran nicely. Still does, in fact! Although on a cold morning I'll get a good blast of white out the back:


Thanks aaron !

it was just condensation in the exhaust , i think also with the twin boxes at the back that trap water in them  :)
sorry that is panicked  :B :B :B
The spitfire has been everything to the past year so that's why i panicked  :B ;)

I went to the garage and he also said to my to let it run for a while until it's warm, also without thermostat .. ( i'm going to test it tomorrow )
it did'nt smoke so many then yesterday  :)

Kind regards to you all ! Wim

And Aaron , do you use it everyday ?  :)

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And Aaron, i remember that a friend told me that he's Gt6 mk2 smoked also a lot when it started, until it was warm..
But he always told me when a car driving behind you came to close , you just need the rev it a bit and the car behind you backed up  ;D because of the smoke  :P  

That just remembered that story !  ;)

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