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No response whatsoever from ignition

Brendan The Spit

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I'm in the process of reupholstering the seats.

I just got the driver seat done, put it in, turned the ignition, nothing. Absolutely nothing.

I've plugged in my battery charger and it's having no effect whatsoever.

I had a hunch it could be the seat belt indicator - some systems can disable the car if they're not plugged in, right? And I do have the indicator, but I'm pretty sure that it wasn't even connected on the driver side.

There is actually a lead with connector coming out of the passenger seat, plus a lead with connector coming from under the carpet on that side, so I plugged them in. Still nothing.

There is a lead with connector coming from the carpet on the driver side too, but no lead in the seat - I just took it apart again to check. This validates what I originally thought ie it was never connected anyway.

The car's not been running for a couple of weeks but that shouldn't be the problem. Even when starting after a cold winter spell it gives a bit of a cough, and responds to the battery being charged. And, as far as I can tell, the charger's not showing anything at all, ie I'm sure it should show that there is some charge actually in the battery itself but it's not showing anything.

So where do I go from here? Is it possible for a battery actually to completely die?


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Thanks, checked the fuses and they look ok.

Honestly? Don't know how to check for power at the battery or coil. I've replaced the coil in the past but that was just a case of taking out the old and plugging in the new. I can have a go at basic stuff like that but I'm by no means an electrics expert.

Given that I'm virtually broke right now, given an eye-wateringly large amount of money I might have to spend on some house repairs, is this the kind of thing you think my local garage mechanic should be able to diagnose quickly?

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Nope, not got either of them I'm afraid.

I just noticed that, when I took the negative clip off the battery, leaving the positive attached, the charger indicator glowed weakly. Putting it back on, the indicator turned off.

Anyway, I really don't think this is the kind of thing I have the experience or equipment really to sort out. So, do you reckon it's a quick fix, or is this the type of thing that can take ages to diagnose? I ask because my local mechanic is good at basic stuff but I don't really rate him for anything complex. I do have another person I can use but he's pretty expensive and based a few miles away from me, and as I say I'm broke right now and just cannot afford to splash the cash on anything other than absolute necessities.

But, as I say, if this is the kind of thing a half-decent mechanic (with experience of cars btw - he actually has his own Spit but I've been less than impressed with his work in the past) should be able to fix in an hour or so, then I might risk getting him to look at it.

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Presume that by "absolutely nothing" you mean not even a glimmer from ignition lights and lights don't switch on either?

Your seatbelt indicator won't do this.

It is possible for the battery to be completely flat but only if it is faulty (internal short) or has been completely discharged by some king of external drain like ignition left on, radio left on, interior light(s) left on.  If you have a volt meter, a decent battery should measure at least 12.6 volts across the terminals.  Anything below 10v is probably gone for good.

A battery that has been completely flattened is usually ruined unless caught really quickly or recharged with one of the smart chargers (C-Tek or similar).

Worth checking that the terminals are good at the battery and at the other end of the big leads (Starter motor for the +ve and body earth for the -ve).

Might be time for another battery.  I usually buy mine from my favourite scrapyard - for a tenner if I trade in the old one.  Pick a new looking one of a decent make (check date stamps also) and borrow their battery tester to check it's fit.


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You're right about the description, it quite literally is not responding in any way whatsoever when I turn the key.

The last time I drove it, about a fortnight ago, it was fine.

There isn't a history of charge draining from the battery either.

Thing is, I don't have a spare. So, perhaps I should just nip out and get one, and try that?

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Halfords stock an 038 battery, many other places no longer keep them.£40, or if you have a tradecard £30 :)

If you are happy to change the clamp j bolts (usually needs longer ones) you can fit the larger 063 or 075 battery, far more common.

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My Herald did just this a couple of months ago,checking around with an AVO meter i found i had the o/d switched to ON,the single rail o/d box was engaging the solenoid in neutral with the gearstick on the right hand side but not in gear,hence completely drained battery.

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I don't have overdrive, and I checked that nothing had been left on.

The clincher was borrowing someone's battery tester, it was dead as a dodo, even after trying to charge it. Went to my local purveyor of sundry car-related items, plonked the old battery on his reception desk, said "I want an exact replacement for this" and, 15 minutes or so later, the car was back in action.

Strange isn't it how you can go from low to high with cars? More often vice versa, has to be said...

Thanks for the helpful suggestions here, as ever.

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Hello Brendan,

I was wondering if you had a faulty battery charger also, so it's worth checking it on your new battery. I know some modern battery chargers won't charge a completely discharged battery but just so you know that you have a working charger for the future?


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