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Redex Oil treatment


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Anyone have any thoughts on this stuff?  My engine does burn a bit of oil..about 200 ml every 150 miles or so. Definitely see the odd puff of blue smoke..but in general the engine is good, idles fine and happy. Saw this and wondered if it would make any difference?

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Some say can be used to free up any sticking rings, if left to soak in on top of bores overnight. or longer (others say this only works if an engine has been standing for a while and rings maybe stuck and do this before running it).

Chick doig said it wouldn't do any harm to try as mine uses a bit of oil, though I have heard a couple of stories of it making oil burning worse, as removes carbon that can be sealing piston/bores, so didn't bother myself.

Marcus mentioned that using as much revs on an engine in a higher gear while going uphill and repeating this can push the rings outwards to help with oil burning, or something like that.


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Dave, I think you may be thinking of Redex Upper cylinder lubricant, while mazfg may be referring to Oil Additive.

I'm not sure exactly what is on offer now.  I would happily use UCL, although benefits may be small with modern oils and fuels.  (I have been known to use Holts Piston Seal - now discontinued I believe - but only on a real oil burner to stave off the inevitable for a while)

On the other hand the tribologists work very hard to formulate their oils and adding to the mix might be unwise.  Just make sure you are using a good oil.


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My two pence worth.....

I once had a well used 1500 in my Herald.  It went ok and liked a drop of oil but nothing too excessive.

I treated it with Redex, poured in very slowly through the carb throats with the engine running - which was one of the methods recommended in the instructions.  The same instructions did warn that this would generate "some smoke" but when the smoke cleared away they promised I would be left with a clean and efficient engine.

Well, they weren't kidding about the smoke.  Total, evil-smelling whiteout.  It didn't clear much when I stopped tipping the stuff in either.  From that day forward, that engine smoked badly and suffered epic oil consumption.  Epic in that it only used to take about 80 miles to use half the contents of the sump and the dipping and twitching oil pressure gauge would warn of impending doom.  The only up side was that it still went well and I could "educate" the tailgating M3 yuppies in their 325is by lifting off, counting to 5 and then hoofing it again, leaving them in a temporary whiteout.....  It lasted a couple of months before spitting a rod out of the side, leaving the fuel pump and a chunk of block dangling on the pipes.  Clearly I was too late with the oil top-up that time.

I'm pretty sure that what happened was that the carbon deposits at the tops of the bores and round the piston tops were doing a fair job of backing up the very tired rings/worn bores and once they were burnt off by the Redex the oil was coming through at such a rate the deposits were unable to reform.

My advice - don't!  I doubt it will improve your oil consumption, but it might make it alot worse.  If you must try it, use it in a more subtle way such as adding to the fuel in low concentrations.


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Did get mixed up there, I was thinking of the petrol ad stuff. I have tried the oil ad stuff in STP form. Very thick stuff. Did it with last oil change to make it more economical than adding between changes. I think it may have halved my oil use, certainly seems to have improved it. I'm not one for using "snake oil"stuff normally, but a couple of folk on this forum reckoned it worked.


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If you are talking about the oil additive to boost viscosity, that is a whole different story.  My favourite is Wynns though STP works works well too.  Not tried the Redex version.

Wynns kept my old Vitesse engine going for a good 5 extra years by keeping oil use in the bearable zone.


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Used it on a seriously worn Perkins diesel engine from an old Landrover some years back; it was the only stuff that would get the engine running. Pour a bottle through the filler cap then before it had time to drip into the sump, get the engine turned over!

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Quoted from Nick Jones
Supercharge is the stuff.  300mls is enough.  Even that will give fairly scary (high) oil pressure when cold.


My oil pressure reads 80 from cold at startup and 1500 rpm on the gauge. Idles when hot around 30 PSI, but reads 55 at around 2000 rpm. Never had a problem with pressure just drinking a tad of oil

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Ok, so I bought Wynns Supercharge and added the treacle in to a warm engine. Certainly when it's hot the oil pressure is approx 10psi more than before.
One very weird thing I noticed was that it seems to reduce the volume of the oil overall depending on temperature. Now I know this sounds odd..but am perplexed by what's now happening.
Originally my oil was bang on the line...I added the Wynns and it went slightly over the line. next morning I checked the oil and it was the same amount but below the line?? Thought soemthing had happended and I'd lost oil... Went for a run, waiting 10 minutes after turning the engine off to check and was above the line. 30 minutes later..on the line..and hour later below the line?? Seems very odd..any ideas?
Very repeatable results

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