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My top ten -in no particular order writen as they came into my head!
1)to get out of the f'kin house for a weekend
2) eat crap meat meat based savory products and pretend they are great
3) Do bloke things like laugh at each others farts
4) Stop for fish and chips in fort william
5) driving in wales at night
6) the buzz at the start
7) the feeling of doom when all you can smell is EP90- tip-pretend you didnt notice and keep going
8) helping others and seeing others having as mad at time as you
9) the finish
10) great excuse to spend hours in the shed/garage in the lead up to the start delibirating which 7/16" spanner you should pack

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Tim: Sorry woun't happen again.   Anyone know the 2 chaps next to Peter?  I forgot their names.  Now one really looks all nackered out!   If anyone want's I can bring a CD of the pictures I took last time.  You may post or make copys to give away.   I will also send a copy of the pictures I take this time if someone want's and can post them.  

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In no particular order, because

  • most people don't understand
  • cars are meant to be driven and it's one of the few occasions I can get out in a Triumph
  • the rest of you are mad
  • I love the smell of EP90 in the morning :-)
  • it takes me back to an age when stuff was simpler
  • we can

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I purchased my spitfire 6 years ago and it just was'nt reliable enough for that 2002 RBRR but I thought it sounded fun.
With that in mind I set to upgrading with the RBRR in mind for 2004...WOW WOW WOW!!!

The camaraderie, the fools, the cars and ultimately for me now as I prepare for my 3rd its the excuse to get out in the garage and get oily.If only I drove it as often as I fixed it  :).Life takes over as do kids and family commitments there never seems to be enough free time to play cars these days.

Where else could you find such lunacy and yet so much enjoyment sleep pah we laugh in the face of sleepzzzzzzzzz

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The way I look at it, I can sleep the following weekend!

Simple reasons why I do the RBRR:

1. A68 Darlington to Dalkeith: I know that the red lights of the cars I can see in front of me are all Triumphs!!!!
2. The A99/A836/B871/B873/A836 from JOG to Bonar Bridge
3. A5/A483/A489/A470/A44/A470/A479/A438/A40/A466-WALES in the midlle of the night.
4. So many friends taking part or Marshaling-nearly all made because of the RBRR and CT.
5. The cars.

Nothing more to say!

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1)To get away from the wife for the weekend oohh I forgot I'm doing it with her.

2)After much deliberation we have decided to pull out as we couldn't think why we do it....only joking Tim.

3)Drive round all weekend with the missus with the top down :)

4)Hunt the U-J joint around Wick in someones back garden - 2002 (and the first car back...don't want to upset Ellis and me a girlie) :P

5)Hunt the Rocker Arm around Falkirk - 2004 amd meet a very nice man called John.

6)Leave home with a very tidy boot and get to Blythe and don't know where anything is.

7)Hotel on the Sunday night ...we're getting old  :-/

8)Have the micky took out of us by Mr Dave Langrick...great guy.

9)Watch Andy Pearce smoke a thousand fags...great guy and his navigator Homer Simpson.

10)To be with like minded people who love TRIUMPHS, the friendship, it's addictive, the money for the charity, the road to Jedburgh and JOG, the rain in Glencoe, Coldplay, Big Country, Red Rooster, The Car:)

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Look out for spare hacksaw handles on the RBRR this year White Tornado crew... you never know when they might come in handy  ;D

As for the RARR Andy Thompson's already done something similar. Problem here is that the roads would be too boring, the dangers of driving at night too high or restrict your speed too much. Ella and I are planning to 'nip' up to Queensland RBRR style sometime soon. Only 1,000 miles though  :-/

Would love to do the 2010 RBRR ... but I might be coming over in July for the Ironman France. More likely is the 10CR Decade celebration Martin alluded to  8)

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doug_foreman wrote:
so you two not looking forward to it at all


I always feel alittle apprehensive before hand (being a Mummy and all that)

My Co-driver/Navigator always tells me that when we're in the car on a Triumph event etc i'm not his wife but one of the lads!!! but tells me he wouldn't want to do the RBRR with anyone else :'(

Except one of our very good friends Nick Dawes who be will at Oswestry and Carol (Lady Dawes)

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[quote=Greeks]Look out for spare hacksaw handles on the RBRR this year White Tornado crew... you never know when they might come in handy  ;D

Graham I'm sure if we need a spare hacksaw handle we could pick one up from Mr Randle at Lancaster services i'm sure he will have a few spares  :) :P

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