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Driver's briefing times

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Doors open at 10.30, we have a fair amount of admin to get through so would expect the actual meeting to start at 11.30 at the earliest:  check entry info., dish out Drivers Packs, charity check, RallyAppLive checking...therefore, one can see why we cannot do this on the Friday start day.

Charity will speak for 20 mins or so.

The room is booked until 16.30, but I hope we will be finished by 15.30 at the latest.


We are never too sure what room we will be allocated, but we will use the whatsapp group to inform on the day.

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What does doors open mean? Does this mean we need to be there for 10.30am on the dot to check entries etc in time for a meeting start at 11.30?   I’d rather be told precisely when to get there - ideally not 2 hours before there is any chance of the meeting starting. It’s a very long day for those of us who are a few hours away.   If the meeting drags on  - which it can, and has, or doesn’t start promptly people start to leave…..

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I think it's pretty clear. Door open at 10:30 which means at that moment you can walk in, get your pack, take a seat and say hello to people. 


Tim said the expectation is that an hour later the meeting will start. 


If people want to waste time, turn up late or extend that time then it starts later than the expectation. 

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Sorry, doors open doesn’t necessarily mean get there at 10.30 at all.  It means if you get there at 10.30 you can get in and that’s about it. It may imply what you say but, human nature being what it is, it could means lots of people turn up later on.  I’d just like to know that everyone else will make the effort to turn up at 10.30 so the day is a short as possible.  For me to get there at 10.30 I need to leave home at 7.00am.  That’s fine but I don’t want to get up at 6.00am only to find out the meeting doesn’t start until 12.00 or 1.00 or whenever.  The thought of a meeting that could last until 15.30 per Tim’s comments  - 4 hours if it starts on time -  is a good reason to ask for stuff to be posted!  Which would be a shame because I agree it’s nice to feel the buzz of the event and pick up some info that, even after doing 3 previously, could be helpful. 




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On another matter, what does "RallyAppLive checking" involve?  It's the one bit that is unfamiliar to me.  Is it something that would be helpful to look at in advance of the meeting.  Usually anything to do with technology can go tits up  - especially where I'm involved!!

Looking back I see it was mentioned in Tim's email in April (although called RallyLink there - presumably same thing).



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2 hours ago, Horace said:

Sorry, doors open doesn’t necessarily mean

If you re-read ferny's post you'll find that he said exactly the same as you regarding what it means. If you don't want to set out early enough to be there by 10:30 then you don't need to! That's when the doors open and, given the number of people expected and the admin that must be done, it's reasonable to expect it to take an hour to get through that. It would be (marginally) faster if everyone turns up at 10:30 on the dot but it would also be stressful for those doing the admin and cause very long queues. The meeting isn't likely to start before 11:30 even in that scenario, and it's likely to be the same time if we all stagger our arrival times evenly between, say 10:25 and 11:25

38 minutes ago, Horace said:

On another matter, what does "RallyAppLive checking" involve?  It's the one bit that is unfamiliar to me.

I'm sure that will be explained but, as the organisers frequently point out, you don't actually need technology to do RBRR. There's a road book, just like there was in 1966, and you get a free atlas to plot on. That's all you really need.

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Rob, I agree the staggered start to registration idea is what is anticipated but it wouldn’t it  be better to clearly ask people to arrive in time to register for a 11.30 meeting start. Don’t see why there is an issue with saying registration from 10.30 and meeting to start at 11.30 prompt. Please ensure you arrive in sufficient time to register prior to the meeting.  That is presumably what everyone wants?  

Can’t understand the reluctance to make it clear.

If you wanted to make it a bit more complicated you could say those within x miles please try and arrive by 10.30, those within xx miles 10.45 etc etc 

I just know this meeting can last a long time and starting on time gives you a chance of finishing at a reasonable hour.  I was at the famous unending Macmillan Cancer meeting and know a few who said they’d never go to another…that’s not good. 



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+1 Timings of presentations just right I thought and all with a light touch. Details of how to install RallyApplive on p18 of the outstanding road book (take a bow Nigel) and with typical thoroughness provided separately with the pack were so good that even a klutz like me managed it on arriving home. Really great to see so many ostensibly well prepared Triumphs at Gaydon, roll on October 1st!


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I just want to say to all those taking part have a great time and get back home safely and under your own power.

If I still lived in England there would be no chance that I would want to take part, not a tiny bit interested, couldn't care less, not at all going to waste time following the progress, I've got to to watch paint dry . . . . . 

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