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Phoenix performance exhaust


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I did repack a stainless aftermarket Vitesse back box.  It wasn't old.  The problem with that one was partly yards of sticky tape that had been used to hold the SS wool and alumina blanket onto the perforated pipe during the build had melted from exhaust heat and formed an impermeable layer, isolating the sound absorbent material from the passing gasses and partly that the ss wool was extensively sooted up.

link to story http://sideways-technologies.co.uk/forums/index.php/topic/761-silencer-building/page__p__9859__hl__silencer__fromsearch__1#entry9859


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7271 wrote:

I have just purchased two Phoenix Performance Exhaust Rear Silencers. They are looking great but I was shocked to see I can look right through them.... Is this normal? Shouldn't there be any muffling taking place?
Did I buy the wrong ones?



Does it fit though? the bends in mine were a bit out so the Y sat about 6" lower than it should of.

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242 wrote:

Does it fit though? the bends in mine were a bit out so the Y sat about 6" lower than it should of.

I've just fitted a complete system including the manifold and the fit was very good, loads of adjustment so you can get a great fit around the diff, here's a pic of it not clamped yet but even so it looks OK to me.

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242 wrote:
Looks a better fit than mine was, have you a picture from the front to show how much the Y section hangs down?

I'll try and get one for you, I think a lot of it stems from the front manifold it gives a good starting point leaving the rear section hanging very nicely in the central recess of the chassis.

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Dicky_Blighter wrote:
You would be better off fitting carpets than that laminate flooring though, bugger to get it cut around the tunnel and makes the car a bit noisy. I think you have bought a bit too much - could always use extra to retrim dash and make some door capings

:) :) I wish they were laminate, it's my next project or so the wife told me - ceramic wall / floor tiles for the bathroom :'( :'( :'( I start it tomorrow, :'( but not before I go and pick my roll cage up from Fabricage  8) 8)

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796 wrote:
If yer own are noisey wid age, then most likely this has happened,
owa the years, ex gunk has clogged the holes nearest the baffle,  so not letting gas thru into box
result is every thing goes thru to exit,and not absorbed.

can sort it oot yer sell though,and re pack em. I cant be the only one that does this. think Nick did it too.

some pics

crud buld up around the baffles

Most of holes in baffles were clogged up,yans at the sides, and bottoms  were the wust

wadding clogged solid,oil,coke,soot,dutty wata, all took its toll to put a layer of crud nearest to baffles.

I wrapped this aroond the baffle,to make a bigger air gap,so it would no clogg up as easy agen.

then tack welded in a few spots, and masticated the rest, just incase i want to get back in, which will be very easy noo
I done the mods.  It aint leaked at all, and they are alott lott quieter .

Maybe food for thought for some up an coming tinkerers of tinkered things, that need to be tinkered wid.


Hi Marcus - what type of mastic did you use to seal the exhaust.  Tempted to do similar with mine.


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Doug,just a ordinary black silicon mastic. most will withstand the rear box temp.

think it had on  120 Degs,  they been done a while noo, no sign of any leaks at all.

If I dooing it agen, I think I would just use a few SS screws, and a couple of small plates to bridge either side.
this way you no need to weld up.  maybe handier for some one wid ne welder.

To cut it open, I used a fine cutting disc, just make sure ye cut a bigg enough hole, so it bends back easy.
plus, its alott easier working in a bigg wol, than a laal wol

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