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Spit MkIII Front Springs/Shocks


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Dear All,

I need to replace the front springs and shocks on my Mk3 Spitfire, but I'm a little confused about what to buy.

I just want standard springs and shocks as would have been fitted when the car was new. I've heard that springs for later models will make the front end sit higher and look a bit odd. I've checked catalogues for Rimmers and Moss but the ones they show seem to be for all models.

Is there any difference? If so, where can I buy standard items?

And another thing....

I've never done this job before so will need to get my hands on a spring compressor. Will I be able to use a cheapy pair i.e threaded bar with a hook at each end (about £10 on ebay). Or should I get hold of the type in the Rimmers book (about £40  :( )?

Any help gratefully received.



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Can't advise on the first question , but can on the second one..

Best and safest bet will obviuosly be the top quality compressor at £40. The threaded rod and hook type ones are okay as long as you take great care with them. I used some home made threaded rod and hook ones and nearly lost the top joint of my little finger when they slipped. All was going well, and I was on teh second spring until I got a bit blase and undid one nut a bit too much and it slipped, trapping my finger between it and the spring. I was completely trapped and in pain so I just yanked my finger away leaving a chunk still trapped in the spring. It now has nerve damage and is very weak. So, use cheap ones with utmost care and I'd suggest using thick leather work gloves if you do go for these.

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Point well and truly taken, thanks for the advice.

It's a little frustrating to think I'll probably only use it the once, but probably worth it by the sound of it. I didn't realise the cheapy ones could be so dangerous.

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For standard shocks I would go with KYB:
Or Monroe:

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The thing is with ride height is, that if you get springs and suitable adjustable shocks, you can adjust the height. So if you have such an issue with higher front end you can do something about it.
Fitting`standard` these days is not really the same as fitting standard in the sixties. There are lots of old threads to read up on with this `old bone`  

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I can appreciate the can of worms Greenie does not want to open.

If he gets lowered springs, then the shocks everyone specifies as being correct for his car will be incorrect.  Then he will have to research which shocks go with his shorter springs.  Then, years from now, when he must replace the shocks, he must either remember the modifications and the specific shocks he used, or be faced with wondering why in the world the correct shocks do not work right in his car, etc.

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1936 wrote:
Point well and truly taken, thanks for the advice.

It's a little frustrating to think I'll probably only use it the once, but probably worth it by the sound of it. I didn't realise the cheapy ones could be so dangerous.

I'm not saying they are dangerous; in fact I still use mine, albeit with plenty of caution! All I'm saying is to be very careful when using them, don't try and wind up or down in too big a step each time, and protect your hands with decent leather work gloves.

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Thanks for the advice folks.

I just sorted myself out with the spring compressor - bought the more expensive type on ebay - didn't want to risk injuring a pinkie!

Still trying to decide what shocks to buy and getting more confused by the minute. My MkIII is very original looking and I want to keep it that way to be honest, and that's mainly why I don't want bright yellow or red shocks.

As Rotoflex says, it seems to be a can of worms!

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