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Well.. following on from Roy's 'Gearbox Oil?' thread, what do you lot suggest as a good diff oil? I droped into a local motorfactors earlier and was suprised that they had only one GL4 oil on the shelf: Castrol SMX "Part synthetic manual transmission fluid" rated GL4, SAE 80W-90.
Then I went into Halfords just around the corner and found: Castrol 'Manual' EP 80W.
Which, if either, do you think would be best for the diff?

Cheers! (i hope to fill the diff tomorrow evening while its up on axlestands, so any ideas before then appreciated!)

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I put GL4 EP80/90 in!

that 'll be fine till you find sum sooperdooper stuff!! ;)

stop faffing and get it back together!! :P

less than 2 weeks mate!! I know how you like to be still tinkering at 10pm the night before you go!! lol


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EP80 is a lot thinner than 90 in viscosity terms  most on the market now seem to be the 80/90 multigrade  ... stick to GL4 and  use it  if you spot some straight
EP 90 it would be best suited to the diff   and 80 for the gearbox .
bit crude but you can drill a 4mm hole in a jar lid  fill with oil and time how long it takes to drain  you will soon see the differences   between 80 and 90 and 20/50  or whatever   Peter

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Ok thanks peoples... this job keeps getting postponed! it SHOULD be tomorrow evening now.

Roy: I nearly did the rocker clearances at the weekend and then thought "no... noooo way!" after what happened last time! It's now about 6 days and 20 hours until we leave! argh!

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Tom2000 wrote:
Have i got this right:

Gearbox: GL40 EP80
Diff: GL40 EP90

? Just about to do my spitfire..

GL40, no such specification, it's GL4.

Gearbox, GL4 EP90 - but EP80W/90 or EP80 will be OK
Diff, GL4 EP90 - but EP80W/90 if you cant get EP90.  EP80 is too thin.

Avoid GL5 in the Diff - unless the manufacturer of the specific oil in question says that it is yellow metal compatible and OK to use in a Diff that contains yellow metals.
GL5 of any formulation may be OK in the gearbox - the problem of yellow metal corrosion is related to the temperature/pressure of the oil, and the oil in the gearbox shouldn't get hot enough to damage the yellow metals, although it will stain them.

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Tom2000 wrote:
Well my local Wilco motorists store sells Comma EP90 in 1litre bottles, should i just get this?

And can u please confirm I should be using EP90 for the diff and what for my gearbox (ideally)?

Wilco alos do it in 5 litre bottles, much cheaper. There is a premium added to the 1 litre bottles. Quite a large one.

I thik the EP90 is GL5. go for the EP80/90. It is teh GL4 one.



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