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Very tempted by this Nardi steering wheel, but...

Brendan The Spit

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... will it fit a 1500?


I know it's very pricey but it just looks so great and I've decided the steering wheel is important. It's one of the focal points of the interior, and the bit of the car you touch the most. But I just don't know what the likelihood is that I get it delivered only to find it just doesn't fit the Spit. I've mailed the vendor but not had a reply yet.

Any ideas?

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cant help you with fitting, but id take leather over slippery, sweaty wood any day. especially a 240 quid one. im sure its nice, and if thats what you like its your car, but maybe its worth checking out cheaper wood wheels to see if there is anything so wrong with them that make them cheaper. sounds to me like you're paying lots just for the brand of wheel........ its just wood and metal, not much can be done wrong, its not even a new or individual/original design.

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Have you looked at the wooden Motolita wheels?
They are available with the slotted spokes to.....http://www.moto-lita.co.uk/our-products/your-car/Wheel_Details.aspx?CR_ID=359&CB_ID=38&WH_ID=3
Similar money unless you can find a cheaper place to buy?
Motolita wheels are the boll.....business!

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heraldcoupe wrote:

I'm really not convinced they are equals.
For a start, Nardi don't put those hideous rivets around the rim....


£240 for a steering wheel is ridiculous no matter how nice it is, you'd have to have an immaculate interior to even make it start to look in place.

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Hardly a rip-off Mr Bishop, its just they are new, and that's the price. The MX5 jobbies do look good value, not sure how much a Triumph boss would be though? Shame they have black spokes as the ali is lovely.
Also the moto-litas are good, and I like the metal running all the way round the rim, but the Nardi is rather more elegant. Put it in perspective, (and no offence meant here in the slightest) but have you not just bought some alloys?? You don't get to hold those very often, but a steering wheel is always there in front of you, and being held for hours on end.

FWIW I quite like my old mountney leather wheel to hold, but nowhere near as pretty.

And to the original poster. The wheel will fit, but doesn't seem to include a mounting boss. That may add another hefty lump on the cost, the ad says £10 for an adaptor to momo bosses, but how much are they :o :o

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  • 2 months later...

I'm now in love with these Nardi wheels, having been convinced by this thread, and the good taste of Mr Bill.
Back in the real world for a minute though, I've just bought a boss for my Mountney that will fit the later 3/4" 48-spline column but allow you to leave the shroud intact. (Some people cut 'em out a bit to fit the large boss. This one's tapered to fit, hurrah). It's a 003 and I got it from the very splendid Scottish gentleman at North West Minis who I found through Ebay. (No relation, financial gain for me etc. etc.)
Happy happy. Until I get saved up for a Nardi of course. It's got to happen.

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Cheers mate - a find, but I reckon that's one of the ones they fit to the MX5, which is a bit beefier and with not quite such good wood as the one that started the thread. Still probably quite a bargain though - if I had any money that is!  :-/ :)

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I've just re-sprayed mine to match my airbox and rocker cover (strange I know but I had a bit of paint left) but the leather surround is in keeping with the rest of the interior i.e worn.   Maybe a new thread on steering wheel pics is needed or has there been a round of that already on here...  The wooden ones are nice though and it would match the dark wood facia I have in my gt6 but in truth the lure of extra bits for the price of one Nardi is a no brainer for me..

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2456 wrote:
from the photos it seems ok but the description makes no sence. definetly a nice steering wheel and a bargain if its the same one.

It's an auto translation from the original Japanese I think mate, so bound to be mangled.
Elsie - pictures, pictures!
You're right about the lure of bits. Still, with a decent wheel boss on the way at least I can drive it!  :)

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  • 1 month later...

Got this Mountney from NW Mini's (yes, very nice people, let me trial fit a couple of different sizes!) to replace my leather one (I've kept that one in case I'm ever brave enough to try a track day!), it was about £75 and I think it's excellent, if not everyones cup of cha....  :)

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