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twin silencer exhaust (1500)


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I've bought a twin silencer exhaust a few month's back .. now here it the problem ,

How to fit the 2 silencer's at the back ??

Does anyone has some photo's where i can see where you mounted to?  :)
I've just test fitted it yesterday  ;)

kind regards Wim

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smithy wrote:
Wim, this was no good to you?
Do you need to see where it bolts through into the boot... or.....?

thanks for that Smithy !  ;) i knew there was a tread before ..  :P

yes i want a picture of that .. of the regular twin sport exhaust , where to mount the exhaust strap to ?  :-/

i found this so.. http://www.benl.ebay.be/itm/230715561465?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649

Kind regards Wim

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Hmmm, I think TWO straps are the deal on most systems. Here's mine;
Rear boxes, face on, with two straps one each side.......

The two straps go at the back of the rear valance and are bolted through into the boot:

Then farther toward the front, before the "Y", there are two more clamps to the plate that supports the differential:

....at least that's mine!
Salutations, hope that helps, if not tell me what else you need. (Memsahib is watching some Opera on telly.....  :-/ ..)....

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I would put the nuts on those clamps above the pipes for extra ground clearance, got a similar setup on the Vit and it decks out all too often (is low tho) I went down a big dip and took it right off last year leaving the Goodwood revival!

Having said that if you have had it like that since the late 80s I guess you have enough.

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Yeah, they've been there a while and I've never managed to grind them. I guess I'm not trying hard enough eh?
You're right though I should turn them around.  ;)
Wim - no problem. anything else just shout.  :)

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smithy wrote:
Yeah, they've been there a while and I've never managed to grind them. I guess I'm not trying hard enough eh?
You're right though I should turn them around.  ;)
Wim - no problem. anything else just shout.  :)

ow yeah smithy ..

i've seen that the original exhaust at the front(gearbox) had a bracket for the manifold .. but that's broken off  :P

But do i need the get a new one , then maybe i can fit 't to the new exhaust manifold.. :-/

kind regards Wim

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4526 wrote:

ow yeah smithy ..

i've seen that the original exhaust at the front(gearbox) had a bracket for the manifold .. but that's broken off  :P

But do i need the get a new one , then maybe i can fit 't to the new exhaust manifold.. :-/

kind regards Wim

This is the bracket that is broke off on mine .. best to put it back on the new manifold then ?  :-/


I bought it at James Paddocks  :P


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smithy wrote:
Seems sensible - it will need support up front. Mine's a lot different of course so I can't help with a photo.  :-/

yeah i heard that you're spit is a bit different  :P
My old exhaust was fitted with that bracket (but broken off :-/) and then there was a bracket at the gearbox .. the bolt from the gearbox was nearly broken off  :o because of the bracket the bolt was extreem thin ... but i got it out so  :P
maybe i need the secure the new exhaust there also ..  ;)


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Smithy !

I've installed the back silencers tonight !  :P :P

i'm going to put some photo's of it tonight  ;)
Now i just need to put the manifold on and the pipe to the back  :P

Kind regards Wim

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339 wrote:
Sorry but are you sure they are high enough??   I don't think they will offer enough ground clearance as they are.

I have lookt at many spit/gt6 for how high the exhaust was mounted and its al the same..
The original exhaust is also low i find..
My friend his old gt6+ mk2 was also mountrd like this.


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I would also say that they are too low, the higher you can get them the better, specially with our "kinderkopkes" (Child heads = cobblestones)
the main pipe you can almost make it fit in between the chassis rails but for sure the silencers could be put higher.
I have been searching if I have a good picture of the set up on mine but not succesfull.
So far best I came up so far is this

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Your rear wheels look jacked under, that won't be helping check ground clearance.

You should be able to either bolt the flange sticking out the top of teh exhaust box straight through the rear valance with rubber washers either side, or use a very slim bobbin mount though it will be in shear. That is how I have mine.



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