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1555 wrote:
soon there wont be any triumph`s left,,,cos people are scrapping them,so wots the point

You're the only person I know who's scrapping one that's still MOT'd and driveable.

Yours is very rare car too. You wont win many friends or gain much respect if you do scrap a perfectly good car Nick.

Why have you not advertised it as a complete car for sale on ebay rather than saying that you are breaking it????

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jonny, wasnt bad mouthing jlr, just saying it as it is, and i like thier new model, think ill stick to the trumbies though lol.

nick, did you mean to say, lloyd thank you for all your hard work, money and time spent on sorting these panels for us triumph lovers, enabling us to keep our beloved cars on the road ???!!!! get your head out of your ass and grow up, your like a sulky little school kid !!!!    

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ive had so many phone calls and messages regarding my car,,but no one is interested in buying it for wot i wont cos they cant see past the body,,,,not asking for a fortune,,,sorry to put a down on the hard work you`ve done which has been brilliant 8) so far but seeing as no new panels are available now,not many people going to buy them and do them up if they cant get the parts now,many of them are being scrapped or left negleted,yes mine not the best but it been on the road for 4 + years now with arches ive mad from scratch cos ive had no other choice but too make up,,,,when you do see wings up for sale they go for stupid money and yet a complete car working and driveable is only worth pennys

why how much are the new wings and arches going to be roughly ���

radder,,,ive done that and still getting silly/stupid offer,,,yours has been the best but that s a year on,things change so quickly

sorry to all if ive put a downer on this subject its not ment too :X :X

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i know, madness isnt it, and they are such great, comfy, easy to work on brill cars.
i think one of the reasons that they have been so under valued for so many years , is apart from being over shadowed by the tr ranges ( although back in the day, the 2000 was dearer than a tr6, i"ll put a pic on of the bl price guide when i get 5 mins ) is the lack of panel supply available, hense my reason for doing what im doing.
to be honest, we havent had a good supply of panels available for quite a while, and people wont buy a car, as good as it is, if they know they cant get what they need to restore or keep said car on the road, plus if you have a bang in your beloved triumph, the insurance companies will simply write it off, knowing that there is no source to obtain panels from so what i am doing, will hopefully change all that also.
happy days

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  • 2 weeks later...

what a lot of people seem to be forgetting is that there really aren't that many left, and people do like to see them, prices are steadily climbing. The amazing work of getting the panels made is going to preserve the mark.

There should be special recognition of the work going into this from Club Triumph and the saloon register. It is easy to forget that we are in a whacking great economic depression at present i suspect prices will probably start to climb more over the next 5-10 years.

I would not sell mine in a hurry, i was tempted to fund my TR6 resto but i just could not bring myself to part with my PI

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Full marks to Lloyd , he's put a lot of effort into this venture and deserves more than a pat on the back . Yes the cars don't seem to fetch a lot but the interest is growing fast in the the saloons capability in long distance events . I've just bought my third and I can assure folk there getting very thin on the ground .
Honestly if you come across a good car ( Whatever the colour , I prefer brown as folk well know :) ) BUY IT before it's too late and everyones after one ...... That's when the values will increase .

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Keep going Lloyd - all your hard work will be rewarded  ;)

Adding to Dave's words, I've noticed a big difference between now and when I last drove a Big Six, from 1993 to 1997.

Back in the Nineties, my 2500TC was perceived to simply be an old car, completely ignored by others. In fact, Big Sixes were still relatively easy to come by...

Now, the common perception of my PI is evidently of it being a classic car: people smile or come over to strike up conversation.

The Big Sixes are becoming scarce - I'm not sure if this is good or bad  :-/

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thanks guys,

i am on top of things and will get a result for us all, resulting in panel remanufacture, ensuring the life of our cars.
lits just a long slow process that i cant speed up !!!! from no will of trying  :(

prices are now starting to come through for the tooling, and i will keep you all informed.

what i do need, is numbers of orders, all of course subject to final cost of each panel, ive had loads ( and thank you all ) already, but if you know of some one that is waivering, give them a nudge.

many thanks


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hopefully by the end of next week, beginning of next, i should have a price on tooling fot the mk1 front ( although that panel wont be done first, it was just the closest panel of mine they had to hand ) and will be a ball park for the mk2, although the mk2 will be a bit more expensive as its a bigger panel.

also mk1 outer sills and while i was at the manufacturer last week, i dropped them off some aluminium door tred plates to get a price.

if viable, ( cost ) im hoping to get the front wing tooling made to do half wings, as they will then serve to do the full arches, front and rear lower sections and full arches with front and lower sections attatched, so a 5 in 1 tool.

will keep you all posted


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