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Steering problem


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Hi, I am new here. I have Spitfire mk4 1500. My problem is , that when I turn to the riht or left, (when I am driving), steering wheel dont go back to (straight )position. What could be my problem. I think it is also little harder  to turn a wheel, compared to my fathers herald.

Thanks for advice
Best regards Jack

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Does it always go back to the same position, just not dead "straight"? It'll probably be a simple case of removing the wheel and aligning it correctly.

Your car will have wider tyres which should make it slightly heavier. And if the steering wheel is smaller you'll notice it even more.

I say the wider tyres should make it heavier because on mine it had the opposite affect for some reason!

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My tyres are not wider, , I think is is the same, because my father put lil wider tyres on herald, and he has also this small  sport steering wheel. And I doesnt go to sraight position. It stays almost in the same position, when I turn.

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If when normally driving the wheel is straight then there is a possibility you have a seized joint on the steering rack.
You say the wheel almost stays in the same position when you turn the wheel?
Do you mean the wheel turns but not the steering?
If so you may have the wrong boss fitted for your car and its turning on the splines....

If you could confirm what fault you have it may make diagnosis easier.


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I think that you need some castor to get self centring steering. Have you had the front suspension apart??

I would also suspect a re-con rack, especially if it is one of the cheaper oneas where they are setup at straight ahead, and are thus very stiff away from that position.

I lost a bit of my self-centring when put the wider tyres on my spitfire.



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Hm, maybe I didnt write understandly. When I turn steering wheel, whels turns too. There is no problem. But problem is If I go let say to the left corner, I turn to the left, but normaly when you release steering wheel while driving, it goes to normal straight position. But in my car it stay in the same position, so that means I have manualystraightened car. I hope you understand my problem. And sorry for my language mistakes ;)

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Is it a new problem or something as a result of a change of parts.

Colin(scrapman) diagnosis sounds good if youe recently aquired the car and its always done it.
It could be beneficial to get the car tracked etc.

If its something thats been recommisioned the chances of something having seized is quite likely.

oh and dont apologise about language/spelling mistakes we all do it....sometimes its difficult to explain even the simplest things without using my hands... :B


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It could be badly adjusted tracking ( ie. front wheel toe-in or toe out alignment).  

When I fitted power steering to the PI, the replacement rack had no ball joints so I had to fit new and guess how far on to screw them!  The alignment when checked was off the scale of the gauge- when I drove to the garage for the checks, self centering was poor.  When adjusted correctly, back to normal again.

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Gt6s wrote:
Seen this before.

Trunion siezing up.


lubricate as soon as possible,even worth stripping trunnion assembly to inspect.

also to help pinpoint try jacking front of car up so that wheels are off ground,then crack out one track rod end,try steering,if it goes light that side is the problem if not try other side.
if still tight suspect rack or track rod ends themselves.

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As said this has to be seized trunions,, get the thing off the deck quick and check ,best if you disconnect the track rod ends to test the  free state of the upright to swivel., and the ease of the rack

if they are stiff  get them off the car clean out the brass trunion thread and fully examine the state of the uprights thread, any errosion/corrosion on this where water has been will ultimatley cause a stress fracture to start...it finishes with a wrecked car and recovery

while they're off get some new sealing plugs for the base of the trunion and only use ep90 or ep140 OIL   never grease them ,  Pete

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563 wrote:
Thank you very much for help, I ll investigate tomorrow, when i ll have more time. What is trunion.

The trunion is the brass swivel joint at the bottom of the vertical links and consist of a threaded area Male on the vertical link Female on the brass trunion, These threads can sieze up if neglected or greased they should be lubricated with 90 gear oil.

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Hi Bad boy

I have dug through my pictures and found this one showning the trunnion still fitted to the upright, but off the car. I hope it helps you to identify yours.

Fix it NOW, don't drive it until you have fixed it or you risk a very nasty crash. The thread part (inside the part with the red cirle round it) can snap right off leaving you with no control at all.

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excluding the normal rust related cause of failure,i would expect that to be the most likely point to break as the cross section is at it's thinnest at the bottom of the thread trough ,plus stress raisers from the cutting of the thread during manufacture could be another reason.either way that was gonna go.

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