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Club Triumph Historic Autosolo 02/10/11

Tim Bancroft

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michael_charlton wrote:

The only thing with that is, that tyre fitters are not allowed to fit unroadworthy tyres.....if theres still 3mm on and not defective then it would work.
However a slight nick here and there would stop them fitting.....sou you have to hang a round quite a while till you find a good set

Who says they have to fit them?

Buy a tyre fitter (good for the excercise regime) and do it yourself.

I take mine to Mr Bishop and sweat a few pounds off in his garage.

Did 20 the last time......  ??)

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jcarruthers wrote:
They comprised of; non-stop slaloms, annoying 90 degree gates with not enough room to enter them and those annoying dizzying roundabout things at the bottom of the runway.

sounds like you should have brought a smaller car James  :-)

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michael_charlton wrote:

The only thing with that is, that tyre fitters are not allowed to fit unroadworthy tyres.....if theres still 3mm on and not defective then it would work.
However a slight nick here and there would stop them fitting.....sou you have to hang a round quite a while till you find a good set

depend where you go ....my local tyre place..where   i buy all my new tyres from will happily fit anything for me .....they know i use not so road worthy tyres  to trash on autosolos and will happily fit them  

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oh the nanny state again!! surely if you want bald tyres it's your perogative??? all this duty of care nonsense is a pain in the bum. my other half bought a new car the other day, the dealer wouldn't let her proceed unless she showed her driving licence, told her it was the law, duty of care etc. picture his face when we promised him only the chauffeur would drive it!

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Hi All,
As another first timer, I’d like to add my vote of thanks to the organisers for the huge amount of effort that clearly went into this event, to Richard for bullying me into taking part at long last, and to James for his support in getting me started.  This was a truly fantastic day and the best fun I have had in years.
Clearly nothing to compare this with, but for me, the slaloms, 90 degree gates and roundabouts were absolutely brilliant.  And with only 1 wrong test the whole day they provided just the right level of technical challenge (although they did claim another set of new Yokohamas  :().  
In fact – with a car that was distinctly challenged in straight line, I’m extremely happy with the courses.   It was this shortcoming with my car that seemed to put me into a ‘serious sub-competition’ with just one other competitor – Mr Tripod himself, making the day even more entertaining for me.  Trading fastest laps I think we ended up one place apart at the end of the day but the starts were sedate at best - SO embarrassing.  think I was lucky to reach the first cone at times.  (Any chance of a 50m rolling start next time instead of 50cm?)
Once again, thanks to everybody involved – it was great to meet everyone and I’m now looking forward eagerly for the next opportunity to have a go.

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Had an awesome day sunday, thanks to all involved in organising, and to Joe for hanging around long enough to drive to the course together, glad my leaky core plug held out, managed to get a third of my runs as wrong tests but none in the final two so managed to pick it up quickly, car didn't perform too badly in almost standard 1300 trim,  think I may have the autosolo bug now...   ;D

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GT6_User_and_Abuser wrote:

Thanks GT6_User_and_Abuser - through that link I found the '...[spitfire]... insane Herald Vitesse ...' video and found myself in my little red (MkII 2litre) Herald from 25 seconds in, tyres a-smokin and a-slidin - check it out   8)


If that doesn't demonstrate how much more fun some really mullered tyres can be, you need to get out more 8)

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Mark -  You're the reason I got faster. Your "we both have to get under 1:10" made me push myself and the car. And I agree about the starting. How embarrassing/frustrating is it when you get told you can go when you like, floor it and... slowly pull away from the start. ;D

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2948 wrote:

Thanks GT6_User_and_Abuser - through that link I found the '... [spitfire] ... insane Herald Vitesse ...' video and found myself in my little red (MkII 2litre) Herald from 25 seconds in, tyres a-smokin and a-slidin - check it out   8)


If that doesn't demonstrate how much more fun some really mullered tyres can be, you need to get out more 8)

Ya, I think I have some more of you on my other camera, you were very entertaining! Mine was rather tailhappy, drifting most of the course due to my brand new spring, I like the ooooooh, nearlys! lol ;D

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GT6_User_and_Abuser wrote:
Ya, I think I have some more of you on my other camera, you were very entertaining! ... I like the ooooooh, nearlys! lol ;D

More? Fantastic!

I was so busy concentrating on keeping her between the cones (sideways is best) I don't have much reccolection of my drives now

Email me: tom.hartley AT homepages.co.uk or perhaps I can mail you a blank CD/DVD?

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2020 wrote:
Finally a massive thankyou to my old man!! He is without a doubt a legend, i havent a clue about cars but he still manages to understand what i waffle on about. I'm sure he must spend more time working on my abuse than on his own, so thats big guy....

I'll second that one... given I got to drive one of my favourite cars on Sunday. Doing pretty well for doing that on autosolos this year !!  Thanks Michael, you're a star !!

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2948 wrote:

More? Fantastic!

I was so busy concentrating on keeping her between the cones (sideways is best) I don't have much reccolection of my drives now

Email me: tom.hartley AT homepages.co.uk or perhaps I can mail you a blank CD/DVD?

Everything gets youtubed! If youre on there it'll be HD too  ;D Got a cracking low shot of that estate coming sideways out of 5/6.

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TR7Nutter wrote:

I'll second that one...  Michael, you're a star !!

Yes we all can't praise this man enough ;)
Even all the things he has done for me  8)

Great day Sunday, as per usual for any CT event.
Thought keeping the last test the same as test 3 was a great idea, I was starting to remember the course ;D until I had a small issue and couldn't finish my last run :B
But I am back on track again ;)

And looking for a caravan......Thanks Radders :P

PS My tyres stood the test of Auto-soloing, well nearly just one to replace :(

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