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1684 wrote:
What ever you paint it.
But originally it was black

Were early Spitfire engines black too?  And also the heads? I'm interested as I need to paint the block and head on mine before it gets put back together and so I might as well do it properly in the right colour.

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sparky_spit wrote:

Were early Spitfire engines black too?  And also the heads? I'm interested as I need to paint the block and head on mine before it gets put back together and so I might as well do it properly in the right colour.

Glad to see you keeping it as original as possible Mike :P :P :P

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Is Oily a color?

I believe they were black, unless they were factory overhauled then the color was green. Not sure if this was still the case during the BL reign.
The rocer cover on mine  (mk3) was some dark yellow pale orange and on the mk2 it is red

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2053 wrote:
Is Oily a color?

I believe they were black, unless they were factory overhauled then the color was green. Not sure if this was still the case during the BL reign.
The rocer cover on mine  (mk3) was some dark yellow pale orange and on the mk2 it is red

i'm going to paint my engine in black  ;) just need some paint for the engine  :P

and my rocer cover was silver ish .. now is repaint it in Silver and also the ear cleaner box in the same color :p look very good !  :P ;)

You're  a friend of Shaun right ?  :)

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5848 wrote:
I was just painting my GT6 block last night. In this weather its drying off nice.

my engine is still in the car so ..  ;D i'm not planning to take it out  :P

But nice work !!  ;)

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97679 wrote:
If you paint it black, won't it be difficult to see any potential oil leaks?  Just a thought.

More importantly, how do you prep the engine and do you need special paint for engines?

I have cleaned it with some 'engine cleaner' ..

and for paint is want to use 'heat resistand paint' ..  ;)

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97679 wrote:
Did you prime it before using heat resistant paint?


not really ..
i did the the aircleaner box in some anti-rust(Zinkfosfate) at first because of the rust before.

I did also my radiator with heat resistant paint and that came out well !
i just need to do the engine , but the paint that is use is 7 euro's  for a spraycan .. but there are out in that shop :-/
and at some other places they ask 15 a 20 euro for a spraycan !! :o

kind regards Wim

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firebobby wrote:
Your engine looks good Wim

Nick, would any primer do for the pre- paint job or does it have to be a special heat resistant paint :)

i just cleaned it with engine cleaner & then painted with heat resistant paint.

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